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Tim JC Jul 10, 2011

My reaction was as follows:
"Huh?...Whoa!, poor guy."

longhairmike Jul 11, 2011

no,, the bunny at the bottom of my pool 2 weeks ago made me cry,, frickin' mouse sucked into the filter doesn't do anything for me...

Tim JC Jul 11, 2011

longhairmike wrote:

no,, the bunny at the bottom of my pool 2 weeks ago made me cry,, frickin' mouse sucked into the filter doesn't do anything for me...

Have you not seen Mouse Hunt? j/k Yeah, a bunny would definitely earn more sympathy from me.

Angela Jul 11, 2011

longhairmike wrote:

frickin' mouse sucked into the filter doesn't do anything for me...

So wait.  Was it dead or still alive?  Kinda hard to tell from the shot.

avatar! Jul 11, 2011

It was definitely dead. Even though mice are vermin, I still can't help but feel a bit sorry for the bloke. As for a bunny drowning... yeah, that's sad too (although bunnies are kinda verminish too, just arguably cuter). I guess it's too much a pain to cover the pool when not in use? By the way, how about a shot of the pool! And lastly, when are you inviting us for a dip and BBQ??

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