Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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TerraEpon Jul 12, 2011

Interesting. The guys was desciring Final Fantasy Tactics to a tee -- i.e., being able to view previous cutscenes, AND have an anytime accessible tutorial.

Amazingu Jul 12, 2011

Definitely familiar with this problem, and I've been clamoring for games to include some kind of "quick reminder" function for years now, because it's all too common for me to just stop playing the game altogether.

Most games will tell you where to go next nowadays, but few tell you where you came from.

Smeg Jul 12, 2011

Sega thought of this nearly two decades ago with the "talk" function on Phantasy Star IV's camp menu.

Amazingu Jul 13, 2011

Smeg wrote:

Sega thought of this nearly two decades ago with the "talk" function on Phantasy Star IV's camp menu.

The point is not "who did it first?"
It's "why aren't more companies doing this?"

Smeg Jul 13, 2011

I got the point, just thought it was worth mentioning in support of that point.

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