
vert1 Jul 17, 2011 (edited Dec 31, 2016)
Making this thread to help those who want to read Baudrillard and save them the time of looking up words every other page. Will be updated with more books.
The Consumer Society
Prodigious-exciting wonder or monstrous
Fecundity-fruitful, prolific
Metonymic-a figure of speech in which 1 word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is clearly associated.
Gamut-an entire range or series
Permutation-act or process of changing the order of an ordered set of objects.
Sublimate-to direct the expression of from a primitive to a more socially and culturally acceptable form.
Simulacrum-that which appears to be something other than it is.
Litany-a prayer consisting of a series of supplications and responses said alternatively by a group and a leader. 2. A lengthy recitation (a ~ of complaints).
Anodyne-soothing agent; something that relieves pain.
Irrupt-to rush in forcibly or violently.
Praxis-translating an idea into action.
Palliative-to ease (as a disease) without curing. 2. To cover by excuses and apologies.
Sumptuous-lavish, luxurious.
Specious-seeming to be genuine, correct, or beautiful but not really so (~reasoning)
Ostentation-pretentious or excessive display.
Milieu-setting or environment.
Dialectic-the process or art of reasoning by discussion of conflicting ideas; also: the tension between opposing elements.
Lacuna-a blank space or missing part: gap.
Gregarious-social, companionable. 2. Tending to flock together.
Virulent-highly infectious or poisonous.
Consummate-perfect, finish.
Amortization-to extinguish (as a mortgage) usu. by payment on the principal the time of each periodic interest payment.
Decrepitude-worn out, old, impaired.
Pell-mell-in mingled confusion 2. headlong
Didactic-intended to instruct or teach a moral lesson. 2. Making moral observation.
Phryneism-feminine model ???
Cathected-charged with mental or emotional energy.
Pediment-a low triangular gabelike decoration (as over a door or window) on a building.
Solicitude-concern, anxiety.
Cutaneous-of, relating to, or affecting the skin.
Syntax-the way words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences.
Affabulation-courteous & agreeable in conversation.
A priori-characterized by or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions. 2. Independent of experience.
Lexicon-dictionary or vocabulary of a language, speaker or subject.
Prestation-benefit, service, performance.
Pathos-a quality that evokes pity or sadness.
Trompe l’oeil-visual illusion in art
Thaumaturgy-any art that invokes supernatural powers.
Raison d'être-reason for existence.
Déclassés-downgraded, displaced.
Aegis-shield, protection, 2. Patronage, sponsorship.
Recrudescence-a renewal or breaking apart again esp. of something unhealthful or dangerous.
Mal du siècle-the malady of the century.
Pruritus-severe itching of the skin, as a symptom of various ailments(desire to itch).
Eczema-redness of skin.
Reprobation-condemnation, disapproval.
Paean-a song of praise or triumph. 2. A thing that expresses enthusiastic praise.
Ontological-philosophical study of the nature of being, existence, or reality.
Interstitial-a space that intervenes between things.
Esoteric-designed for or understood only by the specially initiated. 2. Private, secret.
Exoteric-intended for likely to be understood by the general public. 2. Relating to the outside world; external.
Centrifugal force-the force that tends to impel a thing or parts of a thing outward from a center of rotation.
Stereolithically-additive manufacturing technology for producing models, prototypes, patterns, etc.
Patina-a green film formed on copper and bronze by exposure to moist air. 2. Superficial covering or exterior. 3. A sheen covering something.
Threnody-a song of lamentation: elegy.
Flotsam-floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo.
Convivial-enjoying companionship and the pleasures of feasting and drinking; jovial, festive.
Anthropoemia-vomiting abnormal ones into protected spaces—hospitals, asylums, prisons.
Panoply-a full suit of armor. 2. A protective covering. 3. An impressive array/
Purulent-containing or accompanied by pus (a ~ discharge).
Vitrified-convert something into a glass or glasslike substance, typically by exposure to heat.
Consternation-amazed dismay and confusion.
Pleonasm-the use of more words than necessary to convey meaning.
Prophylactic-preventing or guarding from disease. 2. Preventive.
Monad-a single unit.
Expurgated-to clear (as a book) of objectionable passages.
Oleander-a poisonous evergreen shrub often grown for its fragment white to red flowers.
Sojourn-to dwell in a place temporarily.
Phantasmagoria-a sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream.
Apotheosis-deification. 2. The perfect example.
Infirmity-feebleness. 2. Disease, ailment. 3. A personal failure,
Exculpated-to clear from alleged fault or guilt.
The Conspiracy of Art:
Anamorphosis- a distorted projection or drawing that appears normal when viewed from a particular point or with a suitable mirror or lens
Vituperation-lengthy harsh criticism or abuse.
Apotropaic-having the power to prevent evil or bad luck
Timorous-timid disposition.
Insouciant-lighthearted unconcern.
Encephalogram-an image, trace, or other record of the structure or electrical activity of the brain
Opacity-the quality of being opaque. 2. Obscurity of meaning.
Punctum-the wounding, personally touching detail, which establishes a direct relationship with the object or person within it.
Auspices-kindly patronage and protection.
Chiasmus-a rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order, in the same or a modified form; e.g. ‘Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds.’
Encephalon-the brain.
In-situ-in place
Palinode-a poem in which the poet retracts a view or sentiment expressed in a former poem.
Loquacious-excessively talkative.
Catelepsy-a medical condition characterized by a trance or seizure with a loss of sensation and consciousness accompanied by rigidity of the body.
Effervescence-to bubble or hiss as a gas escapes; also: to be exhilarated.
Surfusion-supercooling, also known as undercooling, is the process of lowering the temperature of a liquid or a gas below its freezing point, without it becoming a solid.
Thurifers-an acolyte carrying a censer (a container for burning incense).
Motu proprio-on his own impulse.
Amphibology-an ambiguous grammatical structure in a sentence.
Concentric-having a common center (~circles)
Consubstantial-of the same substance or essence (used esp. of the three persons of the Trinity in Christian theology).
Anathematizes-to pronounce an anathema against: curse.
Anagrammatizes-make an anagram (A word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as cinema, formed from iceman) of.
Panopticon-a circular prison with cells arranged around a central well, from which prisoners could at all times be observed.
Paroxysm-a sudden sharp attack (as of pain or coughing): convulsion.
Spelological-the science of exploring and studying caves and their shape, origin, development and microclimate.
Velocipedic-an early form of bicycle.
Gastronome-a lover of good food; a connoisseur or gourmet.
Tetanic-relating to or characteristic of tetanus, esp. in connection with tonic muscle spasm.
Crepuscular-of, relating to, or resembling twilight.
Ignominy-public shame or disgrace.
The Spirit Of Terrorism (New Edition)
Fomented-investigate or stir up
Vicissitudes-A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Frisson-A sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill.
Eschatological-of or relating to or dealing with or regarding the ultimate destiny of mankind and the world.
Moribund-(of a person) At the point of death. 2. (of a thing) In terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigor.
In The Shadow Of The Silent Majorities
Chiaroscuro-pictorial representation in terms of light and shade without regard to color 2. The quality of being veiled or partly in shadow.
Ausculate-to listen
Entropic-a measure of the loss of information in a transmitted message. 2. Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.
Plimsoll line-mark on a boat or ship indicating limit to which they can legally be loaded.
Symbolic Exchange and Death
Tumescence-the quality or state of being swollen
Carceral-of, relating to, or suggesting a jail or prison
Salariat-the class or body of salaried persons usu. as distinguished from wage earners.
Inchoate-being one partly in existence or operation esp.: imperfectly formed or formulated.
Epiphenomenal-a secondary phenomenon accompanying another and caused by it.
Inexpiable-not capable of being atoned for.
Impressario-manager, director
Scansion-dividing a verse into its metrical components.
-scandere (Latin) "to move upwards by steps"
Fiduciary-depending on public confidence for value or currency (~fiat money)
Demiurgy-being responsible for the creation of the universe, in particular.
Automaton-self-operating machine
Casuistry-the use of clever but unsound reasoning, esp. in relation to moral questions.
Analysand-a person undergoing psychoanalysis
Denegation-a denial, contradiction or refusal
Elision-the omission of the one or more sounds in a word or phrase producing a result that is easier for the speaker to pronounce.
Flexion-the act of bending a joint or limb in the body by the action of flexors. 2. the condition of being flexed or bent.
Matriculation-to enroll as a member of a body esp. college or university.
Pissours-urinal/toilet ?
Parietal-of, relating to, attached to, or denoting the will of the body cavity or hollow structure.
Apogee-the farthest or highest point; culmination
Sartorial-of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes
Diktat-a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed. 2. decree, order
Caesura-break, interruption
Onanism-coitus deliberately interrupted to prevent insemination. 2. masturbation. 3. self-gratification.
Diaphanous-characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through. 2. ethereal.
Pellicle-a thin skin or film; esp.: one that reflects a part of the light falling upon it and transmits the rest of the light through it and that is used for dividing a beam of light (as in a photographic device)
Sacerdotal-of or relating to priests or priesthood: priestly. 2. of, relating to, or suggesting religious belief emphasizing the powers of priests as essential mediators between God and man.
Concomitant-accompanying, esp. in a subordinate or incidental way.
Anthropophagia-someone who eats human flesh: cannibal.
Propitiation-the act of gaining or requiring the favor or goodwill of: appease, conciliate (i.e. an atoning sacrifice)
Peripeteia-a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances or situation esp. in a literary work.
Tutelary-serving as a protector, guardian, or patron. 2. of or relating to protection of a guardian.
Veteufelt-damn [German]
Parousia-second coming (Christian Theology- the appearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment)
Febrile-of or relating to fever: feverish.
Augur-to foretell esp. from omens. 2. to give promise of; presage 3. to predict the future.
Uraemic-of or involving excess nitrogenous waste products in the urine (usually due to kidney insufficiency.
Disinterred-To dig up or remove from a grave or tomb; exhume. 2. To bring to public notice; disclose.
Perspicacious-having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted.
Discursive-covering a wide field of subjects; rambling. 2. Proceeding to a conclusion through reason rather than intuition.
Concision-terseness and economy in writing and speaking achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few words.
Effectuation-the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect.
Abutment-point of contact between two objects or parts.
Mot d' esprit-joke ?
Declension-in certain languages, the inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in categories such as case, number, and gender. 2. a descending slope; a descent.
Alveolar-a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge.
(adverb) pertaining to the tiny air sacs of the lungs
Prosody-the study of the metrical structure of verse.
Strabismus-a visual defect in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an object because of imbalance of the eye muscles. also called squint.
Polysemia-having or characterized by many meanings
Acerbic-acid in temper, mood, or tone.
Couvades-a custom among some primitive peoples in accordance with which when a child is born the father takes to bed as if bearing the child, cares for it, and submits himself to fasting, purification, or taboo.
Usufruct-the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another
Sapphism-female homosexuality
Untrammeled-not limited or restricted; unrestrained.
Abrogation-to abolish, do away with, or annul esp. by authority.
Maieutics-the art of giving birth (i. e., clearness and conviction) to ideas, which are conceived as struggling for birth.
Clinamen-unpredictable swerve of atoms.
-Modern usage: The term has also been taken up by Harold Bloom to describe the inclinations of writers to "swerve" from the influence of their predecessors
Panegyric-a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment.
Phatic-of, relating to, or being speech used to share feelings or to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas.
Schizogenesis-asexual reproduction by fission of the parent organism or part
Fissiparous-having separated or advocating separation from another entity or policy or attitude
Enervated- lacking strength or vigor
Stolid-having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
Sibylline-resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy 2. having a secret or hidden meaning
The Agony of Power
Abeyance-temporary inactivity
Regicide-a person who kills a king
Congeners- a person, organism, or thing resembling another in nature or action
Palabra (sp.)-word
Autarchy-self-sufficiency; independence; specifically: national economic self-sufficiency and independence
Epigonal-inferior imitation
Hypertelic-of or relating to an extreme degree of imitative coloration or ornamentation not explainable on the ground of utility
Malin génie (Fr.)-evil genius or demon
Fallow-not in use. 2. uncultivated (lowbrow)
Favelas-a settlement of jerry-built shacks lying on the outskirts of a Brazilian city
Aporia-a state of being at a loss
Endogamy-the custom of marrying only within one’s tribe or similar social unit
Ostensible-represented or appearing as such; pretended
Irridentism-advocation of the recovery of territory culturally or historically related to one's nation but now subject to a foreign government.
Exogenous-outside the body
Concatenation-the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc 2. a series of things depending on each other as if linked together; "the chain of command"; "a complicated concatenation of circumstances"
Banlieues (Fr.)-government-built public housing outside Paris.
Orthogonal-intersecting or lying at right angles. 2. having perpendicular slopes or tangents at the point of intersection <orthogonal curves>
Riposte-a retaliatory maneuver or measure(i.e. retort)
Ersatz-being a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation
Encephalopathy-a disease of the brain
Scissiparity-reproduction by fission
The Aesthetics of Disappearance by Paul Virilio
Verisimilitude-the quality of realism in something (ex. film, literature, the arts, etc.)
Savoir Faire-the ability to say or do the right or graceful thing.
Fugacity-the vapor pressure of a vapor assumed to be an ideal gas obtained by correcting the determined vapor pressure and useful as a measure of the escaping tendency of a substance from a heterogeneous system.
2. the condition of being transitory
Caducity-the frailty of old age; senility. 2. the quality or state of being perishable; impermanence.
Eremetic-living in seclusion from social life. “inhabitant of a desert”.
Olfactory-of, relating to, or contributing to the sense of smell.
Festooned-a chain or garland of things suspended.
Slolum-skiing through different obstacles left to right.
Peregrination-the act or process of travelling.
Occlusion-closure or blockage.
Gnoses-intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths; said to have been possessed by ancient Gnostics.
Refulgence-shining radiantly; resplendent.
Donjuanism-a man who has a desire to have sex with many different partners and who may be a "seducer of women."
Aphasic-someone affected by partial or total loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from damage to the brain caused by injury or disease.
Endosmosis-the inward flow of a fluid through a permeable membrane toward a fluid of greater concentration.