longhairmike Jul 25, 2011
filmed one late september day... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvIH0HAiOP8
filmed one late september day... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvIH0HAiOP8
How did you make that? VHS camcorder and then a couple VCRs together to edit? I'm super impressed with how well you edited everything together considering the technology that was available at the time (the cuts were a lot less messy than a lot of the video projects I did in high school)!
after shooting editing?? non-existent back then...
everytime the angle changed,, i'd have to use the viewer in the camera to review the previously recorded scene.. then pause it to where i wanted it to end.
then switch the mode from pause play to pause record.. then after setting up the new camera position, i'd press the 10-second delay start and quickly get into position to be as close as possible to where the last angle concluded.
remember 'flying recording heads" on cameras? it prevented little blue lines on the recording inbetween stops/starts as the tape accelerated up to recording speed.
Ahh, the things that kids can have time to think up (and do!) with all that spare time on their hands. (before things like JOBS suck all our life energy away)
Wonder what we'd do if adults had all that boredom to spare now...
Hmm, it just occurred to me, that once a person is old enough to view something as "a waste of time" that is a moment of human downfall.
Sure we have moments of something creative or new or stupid to do, but our ADULT BRAIN has been trained to immediately think "oh man that would take forever, I don't have that kind of time to spare!" because we can only waste time on responsible things rather than irresponsible things.
The stairs were retribution for harassing the cats.
Also, that's a LOT of hooks for one door.
filmed one late september day... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvIH0HAiOP8
I felt like I was watching MTV, back in the early 1980s. Crazy hilarious.