Homan Jan 25, 2006
So what do you think about this soundtrack? Maybe you have received your copy.
I am just impatient
So what do you think about this soundtrack? Maybe you have received your copy.
I am just impatient
I've got the soundtrack pre-ordered from CDJapan. I should be able to get sometime next week or so via EMS. The soundtrack from Amber's rip, it's f---ing awesome.
If Amber is around, how in the heck did she rip the music??
Hoo~~ Amber is not a man ~_^
Here is the tracklist that I made of Front Mission 5. I haven't listened to it all yet, but it's very good stuff. Surprisingly, Masayoshi Soken (S-E's Sound Editor) gets a chance to compose the vocal track (which is very cheesy ). And the good news is that some tracks are fully orchestrated! Iwasaki, Fukui, Yamanaka and Soken love al-round!
(Not sure about this Hayato Matsui (note: not Matsuo) character who composed “Survivor”. Does anyone have any background info on him?)
(Not sure about this Hayato Matsui (note: not Matsuo) character who composed “Survivor”. Does anyone have any background info on him?)
Might not it just be a typo of Matsuo? I mean, I and O are right next to each other...
Harry wrote:(Not sure about this Hayato Matsui (note: not Matsuo) character who composed “Survivor”. Does anyone have any background info on him?)
Might not it just be a typo of Matsuo? I mean, I and O are right next to each other...
It could be, though I see no reason why they get every other name right except Matsui/Matsuo's
EDIT: I'm further exploring the liner notes, though it says something about Front Mission 3 (which Matsuo was involved in) and Front Mission Online with Front Mission 5. Maybe it is Matsuo...
EDIT 2: Well, I heard it....and I love it! Beats Front Mission 4 dead; Iwasaki has improved a lot, and with assistance of Fukui and Yasuhiro Yamanaka, it makes the trip filled with diversity. There are lots reprisals of the main theme, but luckily each are individually impressive. The ending theme (I assume) "Scars of War" is fantastic, arranged to perfection by Code Age Commanders' Norihito Sumitomo (who, like Hamaguchi, is employed by an outside company, probably with close relations to Yamanaka). The first disc and the first half of the second are pretty much orchestral dominant, while the second half of the second disc + the third is mostly electronica. Heck, can't be bothered writing anymore. Expect a long review of Front Mission 5 by on February 1st at SquareSound. (Oh, and you gotta listen to "Blue Stream" <3)
I got it today and I must say that I'm very impressed. The music is wonderful, just like the overall sound quality. Hidenori Iwasaki created a much diverse score than FM4... but Kenichiro Fukui helped a lot!
Everyone seem to like it.
Are the tracks "looping" 2 times like FM3?
All of the main in-game battle tracks are looped around 1.2 to 1.75 times. Still, there's enough room for some battle music to loop twice on Disc 1 and 2.
Anyways, I finally got the soundtrack from CDJapan and it's definately one of the best VGM soundtracks in recent memory.
One of the major stand-out tracks is the ending theme, "Scars of the War". Basically, combine the beautiness of Yoko Kanno's "The Story of Escaflowne" from the Vision of Escaflowne TV series soundtrack and the patriotism of David Arnold's, "End Titles" from the Independence Day Soundtrack. This is one of the best ending VGM credits song, ever.
I'm about 10 tracks from finishing this OST, and I'd have to say it's pretty good, but nothing extraordinary overall. It seems to have a feel similar to Ace Combat 5, except for the fact that the Ace Combat 5 OST is WAAAAAY better.
I mean, this isn't bad. There are already some noteworthy tracks, such as "War of the Titans", "Keepers of Freedom", and a couple others. It's just that, as great as those tracks are, they don't make up for the rather dull tracks throughout most of the soundtrack (notably during the second disc and the first half of disc three).
I finally got the game...
Otherwise, even if the other comments are from awhile ago, it's good to hear good feedback about the soundtrack; why I've been waiting so long to get it, I can't remember, but I really ought to pick it up by now, shouldn't I?
There is, however, a fan translation underway: http://frontmission.info/