Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Dartannian Oct 24, 2011 (edited Oct 24, 2011)

For my first topic, I would like to start an awesome discussion.

What are your predictions about the music industry, as a whole, over these next 10 years, or so?

As digital distribution becomes more mainstream and accessible, I think we can all recognize and agree that mainstream CD releases will eventually cease to be produced - at all. Some speculate that CD manufacturing will cease by 2015 (have to look up my sources on that one again, but let us get back to that later).

But what about vinyl? Or the independent music market? Sure, [Mainstream Musician]'s next album may be digital-only, but how about that act that plays at local bars and cafes? Do you think it is possible that CDs will still continue to be produced, but as a much smaller niche market, for those who still prefer the old format? And how about second-hand music stores? CDs may cease to be produced, but there will still be plenty of hard copies - that have been produced in the past - lying around.

My opinion, as more music goes digital-only, I think people will start downloading for free even more - why pay for compressed audio, when you can get it for free? And there are plenty of people who download for free, poor bitrate or not. And if record companies aren't getting that revenue anymore - because people are downloading so much for free - and they're not selling CDs anymore, I can honestly see the music industry collapse as a commercial enterprise.

There will still be musicians, but many will be there just to make music, rather than just trying to make money, I see music as becoming more of an independent market, and going more underground. Well, one can dream at least, yeah?

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