Yotsuya Nov 2, 2011
Hey all- I am new to game music collecting and this community, but in my recent searching I have come across some cool stuff- this website, VGMdb, and a cool website called Originalsoundversion.com by way of VGMdb. Well on originalsoundversion I came across some posts about a chiptune label called Ubiktune and I am pretty impressed by a lot of the content on that site! Anyone else listen to Ubiktune or associated groups?
What first got me was Zeta Force by Zabutom, Tree of Knowledge, then Game Genie by Shnabubula, and now I am rocking out to Beautiful Lifestyle by George & Jonathan! I post this stuff on my facebook and nobody ever responds. My quote unquote friends don't understand me! Or at least appreciate what I do. :'(
Surely some of you here do!