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vert1 Nov 4, 2011

I have purchased a domain name for a website I want to launch in Q1 2012. Does anyone here have a custom made website that they could help me out on setting mine up?

Other than that people can use this thread to talk about the experience of running their own website and the hardships that goes with it.

longhairmike Nov 5, 2011

is it for commerce?

vert1 Nov 5, 2011 (edited Nov 5, 2011)

For videogame stuff (reviews, articles, vgm reviews, etc.).

Ashley Winchester Nov 5, 2011

In all honesty, I know how alluring it may seem to have/run your own website, but I've published a few pages as a part of a class I took in school for graphic design and it gets complicated - quick. A lot of schools will tell you don't need to know any HTML or any coding but I've found out that is a bunch of bullshit... yeah, you can get away without knowing that stuff but you have a hard time making a truly intuitive site without that knowledge.

I don't say this to discourage you but steer you in another, less involved direction. Have you thought of using a free service like Google's Blogger? I know one can't quite customize everything to their liking (and you won't exactly rake in visitors unless you network) but I find it frees me from the nuts and bolts of running a site and allows me to post my thoughts without hassle. As an example here's my site:

Again, I know it's not fancy but it's good for what I want to use it for. Granted, I mainly write for amusement and to more or less chronicle (hey, I have to make it sound important!) what I think of the games and soundtracks I have.

vert1 Nov 5, 2011

Yea, I've had friends tell me to use easy website making free services. It's not what I want to use though.

I like that you've kept your website ad free.

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