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vert1 Dec 7, 2011

This is a thread where you post about stuff that defied your beliefs or disdain for certain things in life.

One story of mine: I have never been fond of black metal as the vocals are abhorrent to me. So why did I buy a black metal ep? Cus I found that one track that stands above the awfulness my ears always heard with the genre. Dodheimsgard - Traces of Reality.

So what are things you thought nothing of, but found something unexpected and great? Let's hear em.

Ramza Dec 7, 2011

I never liked politics. Or politicians. I hated all debates and always thought it was nothing but lame-ass pandering.

Then I drank some libertarian kool-aid and now I love Ron Paul.

Just putting it out there. I promise not to ever flood the forums with my love of this super-old politician.

Ashley Winchester Dec 7, 2011

"Last Battle" on the Xenosaga Soundtrack. I could care less about every other track on the soundtrack but that track just nails my ass to the floor. (*Patiently waits for someone to defend the soundtrack or to tell me I'm a fool*)

"From Malkuth to Kether" on Samael's 1998 Exodus EP. The rest of this death metal album is completely uneventful outside this one track which mixes metal and techno.

"Messenger" by Last Tribe. The band, which is no longer together, had three albums and I heard all of them. This was the only song worth keeping.

longhairmike Dec 8, 2011

i got stung in the balls by a yellowjacket when i was 6, and over three decades later i still high-tail it out of there when i see bees...

Idolores Dec 8, 2011

Found the Gears of War 2 Limited Edition in the local Cash Converters for stupid cheap. Always curious, I bought it, considering how often I've heard people fellate this series.

On the surface, it looks like your typical, mindless, stupid, brainless slog of a shooter designed to appeal to your standard-issue drunken frat boy troglodyte, but I played a bit of the training mission (refusing to do the story until I find GoW1), and found that the environments are exceedingly well done. Gameplay is actually not bad, either. I'll be giving this series a closer look soon.

Amazingu Dec 8, 2011

Sonic Generations defied my expectations by being totally awesome.
Does that count?

Ashley Winchester Dec 8, 2011

Amazingu wrote:

Sonic Generations defied my expectations by being totally awesome.
Does that count?

For a post Genesis Sonic game I'd have to say yes.

jb Dec 8, 2011

I passed Switchfoot off as terrible radio rock based soley on reputation but they headlined for a solo artist I wanted to see and I had to stick around until the end of the show because my friends party wasn't starting until later in the evening. They pretty much blew me away, one of th best live shows I've seen and the lead singer guy is genuinely interested in his fans and did a lot of real interactive stuff with the crowd. Completely unexpected and really awesome.

Jodo Kast Jan 1, 2012

Consciousness. It's better than I thought. (I was conscious before I realized this. Just ignore the paradox.)

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