vert1 Dec 19, 2011 (edited Mar 18, 2020)
Someone gave this game 5 stars on It's not a 5-star game. This is a very interesting survival horror game though.
Day 1 impressions:
1. Controls
The controls are not as good as RE4*. The game borrows the laser-pointer handgun sight. You cannot snapturn to shoot enemies. This amazing feature has been lost forever, and now every third person game will control like Gears of War. Strafing is stupid. The looking to the side jolts the camera a little bit too harshly for my taste. Having lock-on is not smart addition as it allows you to track enemies you can't even see. Developers really need to copy the controls of RE4 exactly.
Opening doors takes too long; opening doors running is sweet though. However, the animation to open the doors is delayed that it is not a smooth breaking open of the door. Your characters melee attack animations are...meh. The game throws in qtes where you press one button and it's mediocre.
2. The stage design
The stage design is mediocre compared to RE4's first areas, Eternal Darkness' first areas, and REmake's first areas. The game has linear tight paths that you walk on. There is no big area to run around into different houses in. The game has a boxlike layout. It is pretty much small rectangular paths and then you'll walk into a bigger rectangular area where there will be a small cabin on the side.
3. Enemies
The enemies are weird. Think a lamer version of RE4 ganados. You literally cap their asses because they walk with their backs facing you. It is a little silly. Enemies die in purple smoke plume which should be a red or black smoke plume instead. That would look better. Their death animations are less than okay. Killing enemies is not as satisfying as in RE games or Eternal Darkness because of the less than stellar attack animations and their death animations. Their ai seems to be normal. When their attacks hit you they don't have that stun-animation that gives enemy attacks a weight/more impact.
4. The story
Cool stuff. Obviously borrowing stuff from the Silent Hill games. Good dialogue. The text when you observe stuff is too slow and should have copied how RE4 handles text.
5. The difficulty
Can't really comment too much based on the first level on hard. Doesn't seem too difficult.
6. The graphics
Resident Evil 4 looks better. Graphics are fine though.
7. Scare factor
Forcing me to run because of the eventual superior enemy defense against pistol that did get things a little tense. First level is not scary and has many odd (see: distracting) things that take you out of your immersion.
8. The cool new
-Heartrate gauge that causes your character to not be able to function normally and have to cool down.
-Flinging open doors while running
8. The stupid
-Not being able to use the axe that destroyed the generator.
-Not being able to shatter mirrors with gun fire.
-Crates breaking for no reason when you push them for an extended period of time.
9. Curiosities
-Infinite pistol ammo. This got me super cocky and questioning how the developers could ever do such a thing. This feature then got mitigated by having enemies block bullets and absorb lots of bullets making it useless when surrounded. It is strange to give a gun infinite ammo in a survival horror.
*RE4 equals RE4 on Gamecube NTSC version. f--- the rest. I always refer RE4 as the GC version in all posts unless I indicate otherwise fyi.