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Dartannian Jan 22, 2012 (edited Jan 22, 2012)

Haven't been on an airplane - or even in an airport - since 9/11, and there's always plenty of news reports about how airport security's beefed up to the point of being excessive and even oppressive (body scanners, anyone?)

My question to those here is, if you've been airplane traveling, how have your experiences with airport security been? Have you been able to take along things like laptops, cellphones, your MP3 player, food and drink? What additional restrictions are there in place - that weren't there before 9/11 - and how did you have to deal with them?

I only ask this because I may have to go traveling by airplane soon, want a better idea of what to expect, what not to take with me (besides your usual implements of death), how not to get held up or accosted by airport security, and what I can do to better prepare myself so I don't miss my flight.

jb Jan 22, 2012 (edited Jan 22, 2012)

There's only three things you need to know:

- Wear shoes and socks, because you'll have to take off your shoes.  Don't wear sandals, because then you'll have to walk through barefoot and that's just disgusting.
- Laptops and any electronics in carrying cases or bags need to be taken out and scanned separately.
- Liquids over 3 fl. oz. aren't permitted ON CARRY ONS, so don't try.  They will tell you to throw it out.

Body scanners aren't in every airport, but they do have them.  They pick a less-than random sampling of passengers to go through it.  When I went through Newarks it seemed to be every 3 or 5 people, and then anyone else they felt like sending through.  If you argue with the body scanners or personnel doing a thorough inspection of your carry-on, you will have problems and delays.  Just man up and do it, imo.

Wanderer Jan 22, 2012

Also, if you have any medications, put them in your carry-on (because luggage unfortunately gets lost sometimes) and when going through security, make sure to take the bottles out for a separate scanning.

I fly about three or four times a year and I find security a lot less stressful than it's built up to be. Just do your research and you'll be fine. Can't help you with the actual flying part (which has gotten less and less comfortable with each passing year).

longhairmike Jan 22, 2012

they will also confiscate ay craps weighing in over 3 Courics,, so make sure to go before security...

Yotsuya Jan 23, 2012

I hate airplane security, maybe I just let it get to me.

In addition to the above, they also have you remove your belt and any metal contents of your pockets to go through the scanner. Also any jacket or sweater has to come off. Also I make art and they are totally baffled every time my little tubes of paint go through the scanner. One other thing is when I balked at the body scan in LAX, they said the alternative was the pat down. I chose the scan, but in retrospect I'd prefer a nice friendly pat down to x-ray pictures of me in my birthday suit.

Funny enough, I've gotten frightening implements through security inadvertently, (a printmaking burnisher which is basically a shank) not encouraging anyone, just saying.

XLord007 Jan 23, 2012 (edited Jan 23, 2012)

Air travel is probably the most dehumanizing experience productive members of society must go through these days, and the security checkpoint is just the beginning.  From the moment you arrive at your departure airport to the moment you step off the plane at you arrival gate, you will be a subject to a never-ending onslaught of disrespect for your time, your dignity, and you personal space.

I think the actual experience of being shoehorned into a coach class seat on a tiny flying tin can is far worse than the dreary security lines, and I'm a thin person!  I can't imagine what flying must be like for my husky brothers.  My only advice for surviving this ordeal is to bring some piece of entertainment with you that is really engrossing so you can take your mind off of everything.  Books are my poison of choice simply because they don't need to be charged, they're easily replaceable if you lose them, and you don't have to lug special headphones to be able to hear anything over the roar of the engines.

If there was ever a motivator to get rich, air travel would be it.  I hope someday I can raise my earnings power to the point that I can afford to travel first class.  Something to strive for, I guess.

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