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avatar! Feb 19, 2012

The title of this posting probably just turned-off 95% of the people on STC smile
but for the remaining 5%, what have you been recently listening to? I have to say I've been listening to these:

Diablo 15 Year Anniversary Soundtrack CD
Dragon Knight Saga
Skyrim (4 CD soundtrack!)

They are all amazing soundtracks! The DKS was a real surprise, same thing with the game. Even if you do not play the game, the soundtrack is a joy to listen! Oh, and it's very easy to find and inexpensive (for the time being). Skyrim, well everyone expected it to be game of the year.

As for older soundtracks, I've recently taken a liking to:

Mass Effect

actually I've enjoyed Fable for a while. Mass Effect, has some beautiful tracks, but the soundtrack overall is 4/5 stars. I feel it could have been done better. Fable is definitely a 5/5, and I personally think the first Fable soundtrack is the best.

Anyway, if there are any others out there that actually listen to non-Japanese soundtracks (shocking!), please add to this thread! By the way, I do also love Japanese vgm, I just feel that Western game music gets ignored too often. Oh, and Final Fantasy remakes suck. That last line had nothing to do with anything, I just wanted to say it, so there!

Angela Feb 19, 2012 (edited Feb 19, 2012)

avatar! wrote:

Diablo 15 Year Anniversary Soundtrack CD
Dragon Knight Saga
Skyrim (4 CD soundtrack!)

As for older soundtracks, I've recently taken a liking to:

Mass Effect

Anyway, if there are any others out there that actually listen to non-Japanese soundtracks (shocking!), please add to this thread!

Here's an even bigger shock: non-Japanese soundtracks aren't just relegated to RPGs!  *gasp*

Rayman Origins, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, and Batman: Arkham City are my three most recent acquisitions.  I would be inclined to include Soul Calibur V, since, technically, roughly half its score is composed by Westerners.

Other faves that come to mind:

Jets 'n Guns
Iridion II & 3D Arrange
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Super Meat Boy
Red Dead Redemption
Gears of War 2
Shantae: Risky's Revenge
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer
'Splosion Man

And these don't include the bevy of 16-bit classics, such as Cool Spot, Super Turrican, Plok, and the Donkey Kong Country trilogy.

avatar! Feb 19, 2012

Angela wrote:

Here's an even bigger shock: non-Japanese soundtracks aren't just relegated to RPGs!  *gasp*

That's crazy talk! Everyone knows music is only in rpgs smile

I REALLY want the soundtrack to Rayman Origins. Did you get a digital copy?
I'm turned off by mostly digital releases, although I really should be thankful these soundtracks are released at all! The Uncharted 3 soundtrack is limited to 3000, so I won't be surprised if that sells out fairly soon. Have you had any problems burning any of the digital releases on to a CD?

PerfectZer0 Feb 19, 2012 (edited Feb 19, 2012)

Angela wrote:

Here's an even bigger shock: non-Japanese soundtracks aren't just relegated to RPGs!  *gasp*

Rayman Origins, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, and Batman: Arkham City are my three most recent acquisitions.  I would be inclined to include Soul Calibur V, since, technically, roughly half its score is composed by Westerners.

Other faves that come to mind:

Jets 'n Guns
Iridion II & 3D Arrange
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Super Meat Boy
Red Dead Redemption
Gears of War 2
Shantae: Risky's Revenge
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer
'Splosion Man

And these don't include the bevy of 16-bit classics, such as Cool Spot, Super Turrican, Plok, and the Donkey Kong Country trilogy.

Super Turrican is....friggin' awesome!!!!  That needs to be on CD! big_smile

Jets n Guns, eh?  Funny thats how I got into Machinae Supremacy was from the free download of that OST.  I own all of their albums now.

As for adding to the topic...

Unreal Tournament 3.....I love the remixes of Skyward Fire & Foregone Destruction both from the original Unreal Tournament.  Good stuff.

Bulletstorm, fun game fun music.

Super Stardust HD....Orchestral version of Coventina, just go listen to it.

Castlevania~Lords of Shadow - I'm probably one of the few who love this game and the music.

Amazingu Feb 19, 2012

avatar! wrote:

I REALLY want the soundtrack to Rayman Origins. Did you get a digital copy?

Get the LE of the game, it comes with a soundtrack and lots of other delightful stuff, not the least of which is the actual game itself. Screw people who say this game isn't worth $60.
I paid 50 GBP for the LE, and I'd do it again.

Also on-topic:

Uh, Angela already mentioned most of the good stuff.

PLOK! is amazing though, that can never be said enough.

I'm rather partial to some obscure Western-made platform games from the PSX era.
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos has a great soundtrack, as did the original Rayman.
I also love Johnny Bazookatone, despite the horribleness of the game itself.

In more recent years, Assassin's Creed II and its sequels are beautiful (Ubisoft tends to have great music in general), Mass Effect is a lot better outside of the game than inside it, I thought, and the Elder Scrolls games are very nice too.

Also, as has again already been mentioned:
PPPPPP, the soundtrack to VVVVVV. Total kick-ass.

Yotsuya Feb 20, 2012

I got Uncharted 3, sounds super cinematic, and played as background music much of it sounds similar. I also got a copy of Myst III, and same story, played as background music, a little monotonous (am I making a lot of friends here?).

Something I want to pick up soon is the Western Sonic CD, very jazzy and fresh lol.

I just got Tommy Tallarico 1 & 2 in the mail, and they have some very cool tracks. Not everything is my style, but I got a brain tickle at the track for the PS1 demo disk, good memories! I remember being impressed by the Tekken tracks off that same demo disc (Hit out and Stadium).

And... love the original Command and Conquer soundtrack, 'I am a mechanical man'

As far as recent stuff goes, I love Jake Kaufman! Mighty Milky Way and Mighty Flip Champs were one (or two?) of my top three digital albums from '11, and I love his website 'Big Lion' where you can peruse all his old vgm, he's the real deal! Of course he kind of goes in the Japanese tradition in terms of style quite a bit but technically western, so there you go.

Yeah I just had this minor revelation while 'window-shopping' online for game music where I realized (being in the US), 'hey, soundtracks are less prohibitively expensive when they are western releases!' So yeah, Western game music rocks! And down with RPGs! Haha, just kidding about the RPGs, they are ok tongue

GoldfishX Feb 20, 2012 (edited Feb 20, 2012)

I would say currently, the only western VGM that has been in rotation (not that I really keep track of where the stuff comes from anyway) would be PPPPPP (I ranked it on my list from the other thread...Game music that actually sounds like game music is always welcome) and the Diddy Kong Racing soundtrack. David Wise hasn't really done too much stuff I don't like.

And pretty much anything virt does rocks. smile

I recently bought that indie soundtrack pack, it's been enjoyable to listen through. I originally got it because PPPPPP was included (and *gasp* they had the ingenious idea of giving us FLAC files, something the digital music industry has yet to latch onto).

A Tim and Geoff Folin compilation should be something that should have been released long ago. I've heard too many tracks from these guys are amazing.

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