vert1 Mar 18, 2012 (edited Jan 4, 2017)
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/tgs-1 … ird/721302
Coming out in Spring 2013. My prior commentary on the game:
A concern I see right now is that the enemies died really easily. I'd expect this sort-of thing towards the end of the game when your weapons are upgraded a lot. The enemies shown can't be expected to put up the same resistance as the robots in Vanquish, but they died without the player doing any advanced techniques (where was the dodging?). In Ninja Gaiden 2 to obliterate opponents took a charged attack or prior limb liberation; in other words, it took more time to kill foes. Beheadings weren't taking place every second. I don't want the enemies dying so fast that there is little satisfaction in the 'en masse' deaths. This is why in RE4, players had to deal with the absurd image of Leon shooting ganados 6-8 times in the head with the pistol before it exploded in the early stages. Mikami had to find a way past the "boom headshot! dead" way plaguing many games (i.e. FPS games). For the later stages, he upped the easy kill headshot problem fix by adding the exposed plagas ganado. Then he hilariously to the dismay (horror) of many gamers added an enemy that's head grew back. If you expected quick kills through headshots in RE4, look out.
I hope there is no Wii U version being worked on right now. I think THQ should focus solely on a 360 version, then later on port it to PS3. Exclusive games turn out better. I wonder if Nintendo is pressuring them to launch this game later.
Old 2010 interview