Dartannian Apr 16, 2012 (edited Apr 16, 2012)
Reference at VGMdb: http://vgmdb.net/album/17261
It used to be available for *downloadable* purchase at iTunes and even Amazon MP3, but not anymore.
Anyone have the extreme fortune of being able to download this while it was still available? I'm trying to see if I can find a download anywhere else, but the closest I've gotten was a free download of the second game's soundtrack (also good), but I'm still interested in the first game's soundtrack (download of de Blob 2's soundtrack here: http://www.gamespot.com/de-blob-2/downl … -6301168/)
For those who don't know, or do, but didn't really care to check it out before, de Blob is probably one of the most interesting and whimsical games you'll ever play about coloring. You grab color sources, jump on things (it's a 3D platformer) in order to color them, and the more you vary up your patterns, the better score you get, and the more missions and extras you unlock.
You fight against a 1984-esque totalitarian regime that wants to color the world black and white, and condemn the populace to working a lifetime of menial jobs.
The humor is straight out of a Saturday Morning cartoon (back when they actually used to be good), and the lack of actual voice-acting - they use a pseudo, uninterpretable language - makes the gages purely visual.
Oh yeah, and the actual in-game music is very pleasant to listen to - it has a very contemporary sound, and it's really upbeat, which is appropriate, because the game's two themes are color and music. Which is exactly why I'm looking for this soundtrack!
Opening Movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIt0ck2CDHM
Cut Scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntIlhncK … re=related