Ryu May 15, 2006
It's rather quite silly.
It's rather quite silly.
I've been seeing a lot of these threads and it seems to me that the quotations are more veiled insults directed toward Microsoft/Sony than they are direct praise of Nintendo. Although, strangely, all of the "positive support for Nintendo" threads I've seen choose to omit the lines from MS/Sony that actually praise Nintendo. Still, while it's an interesting strategy, I don't take it as a pat on Nintendo's back but more of a jab at a rival competitor.
I mean, Phil Harrison said "I think Peter Moore is exactly right. I think Nintendo will be the second system consumers purchase after PlayStation 3." Of course, Peter Moore said no such thing--he said consumers would buy an X-Box and Wii over a PS3. The only thing they're agreeing on is that Wii will come in second--the real meaning is that "<my competitor> will come in last, and I will come in first."
I have to roll my eyes at the raving fans who believe Nintendo and Microsoft are going to officially "team up" against Sony. I'm not suggesting you're part of that camp--in fact, your comment sums up my opinion of the situation perfectly.
Dunno...At least Microsoft and Nintendo could bill themselves as "Team Seattle".
But yeah...I basically agree that these are nothing but veiled insults. If Nintendo dominates this round of console wars somehow, be interesting to see if it continues. Imagine Microsoft and Sony teaming up...Har har.
Although, in various interviews, Microsoft generally had good things to say about Nintendo products...Both Ed Fries and Peter Moore (who said he'd give one of his son's Ferrari's up to get Miyamoto to Microsoft) IIRC.
Plus don't forget HOW WELL Nintendo games emulate on Windows! I'll be interested to see if somebody tears apart a gamecube and can get the computer to read from the disc, and play the game through the computer.
I agree with other netizens that these remarks by Sony and MS are damage control from E3. Nintendo really took the show, and these two companies are reeling in the aftermath. They have no choice but to try to come up with some PR to save themselves.
Since Nintendo's booths were jam-packed, they cannot insult Nintendo directly, so they try to insert themselves into Nintendo's limelight.
I don't know if MS is reeling, but I just read an article at CNN calling Sony the disappointment of the show. Sony seems to be getting hit not only here by the dollar-conscious gamers, but by the gaming press, mainstream press, and there was an article covering Sony having to defend themselves in Japan. It is going to be very interesting how it all plays out this fall---I'm already certain I'll be buying the Wii at launch, perhaps even a 360 if they drop the price by $100 (I don't care about a bigger HD or whatever), but I know a PS3 is too absurd for consideration. I'm really curious, especially considering the crazy prices people paid last Christmas for 360s, just how crazy the PS3 thing is going to go.
I just think of that "Sony's E3 presentation in one minute" video...
"599 US dollars...599 US dollars..."
That says it all for me.
...well, that, and the historical, factual ancient Japanese battle with the giant crab.
"Riiiidge Racer! It's Ridge Racer!"