The way you talk about those tarantulas, one might think that...nevermind.
I'll have to admit, I'm a lot happier these days, too;
I've improved my diet (somewhat) - it seems that Spring allergies completely missed me this year, and the only thing I've done to significantly improve my health was to just STOP drinking soft drinks (Coke, Pepsi, etc.)
My Spring allergies were so bad last year, it lost me my job, since my (female) co-workers were complete and total grade schoolers about me having to sneeze and blow my nose (I'm very clean, tidy, and fastidious, I always cover my mouth when I cough, sneeze, etc., and I ALWAYS wash my hands BEFORE and AFTER using the restroom), lying to my boss, and telling him I was sneezing on things intentionally; of course, had I taken the sick time off, I would've been fired/laid off anyway - they had THAT kind of corporate culture, y'know, the "WORK TO YOUR DEATH!" kind of culture - it was just a bad situation to be in.
People who actually enjoy current day MTV in ANY capacity are sadistic. Calling them misanthropic would be too elegant a term for them. I'd also argue that MTV has always attracted people who are deranged.
ANYWAY, I guess I'm in better health these days.
My older brother got a raise/promotion/new job/I don't know what - so he celebrated by taking me out for lunch (for free) at J.Alexander's - had a Coke with my meal, and it just made my stomach CHURN. If J.Alexander's is such a fine establishment, why can they not get finest Vegan-approved cola - made with natural cane sugar - to serve instead?
My whole point about that aside is, I guess soft drinks just really DESTROY your health. If you're the government, why bother enacting martial law to curb a rebelling population, when you can just release a foodborne pathogen through a popular food item, blame it on the corporate entity that makes it, and deny responsibility yourself? That's just one of the reasons I don't eat fast food - or many other mainstream things - anymore. I basically don't eat burgers AT ALL anymore. But I still eat lean, kosher beef. I like how fat-free meat doesn't turn to charcoal when you try to cook it.
Still, I've also been pretty damn depressed as of late (I can try and talk about how happy I am all I want, but at one point, it's just going to devolve into talking about how miserable I feel somehow).
People need to stop talking about sex when they're around me.
I'm starting to feel like I'm getting old, and that I'm going to end up alone - but it looks like I won't ever find a girl of marrying age who hasn't already had sex with another man. I don't buy my games pre-owned, and I don't want a woman who's been pre-f**ked. Condoms are humilating, it's like you're almost acknowledging that what you're doing is wrong, but you're still *kind of* trying to get away with it. I mean, seriously though, she doesn't mind having a piece of plastic - soaked in liquid DNA - festering at the bottom of her wastebacket until garbage day? If a girl doesn't mind a plastic/rubber thing going into her vagina, why even go to the trouble of finding a date, when she can play with a fake sausage? If you ask me, the concept of "Safe Sex" is contradictory, because, either it's not safe, or it's not sex.
Man, why did I just launch into talking about myself again?
Dragon God wrote:What's your story ? Let's hear it !
Oh, right.