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Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2012

On the heals of Fire Emblem 3DS and Kid Icarus Uprising, Club Nintendo is putting out a CD for Kirby's Return to Dreamland.  I've never been super into Kirby, but the music I've heard has always been pretty good. … index.html

Still have mixed feelings about these Club Nintendo releases - I guess I should just be happy that there are CDs at all, though I'm disappointed by the Kid Icarus one's incompleteness and lack of composer credits (grr... they even did that for the samples on the website - what the heck, Nintendo?).

LiquidAcid Jun 24, 2012

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

the Kid Icarus one's incompleteness and lack of composer credits

I presume the full release is going to have all the credits though. So it's just a matter of waiting.

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2012 (edited Jun 24, 2012)

#$%#!$%!#$%!$%!$%!#%!$% I JUST freaking tracked down the one disc Kid Icarus thinking it was all I'd ever get, and your comment made me look online and there IS a three disc version coming out.


LiquidAcid Jun 24, 2012 (edited Jun 24, 2012)

You can just subscribe to the "just added" RSS feed on VGMdb and get all these news directly to you. I e.g. honestly don't care about the release.

EDIT: And why should one open a new thread for just every upcoming album release here anyway? I don't see the point of that. Like I said, the information is readily available -- even without Twitter, Facebook or the likes.

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2012

LiquidAcid wrote:

And why should one open a new thread for just every upcoming album release here anyway? I don't see the point of that.

Oh, I don't know, maybe because there have been recent complaints that there isn't much discussion around here anymore?  During the summer at least I try to post about new and interesting things in the VGM world so that if people are interested maybe we can discuss them (my life doesn't leave a whole lot of time for large forum posts during the rest of the year).  Why would we NOT talk about upcoming game music on a game music forum?

LiquidAcid Jun 24, 2012 (edited Jun 24, 2012)

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
LiquidAcid wrote:

And why should one open a new thread for just every upcoming album release here anyway? I don't see the point of that.

Oh, I don't know, maybe because there have been recent complaints that there isn't much discussion around here anymore?  During the summer at least I try to post about new and interesting things in the VGM world so that if people are interested maybe we can discuss them (my life doesn't leave a whole lot of time for large forum posts during the rest of the year).  Why would we NOT talk about upcoming game music on a game music forum?

Taking about an upcoming release and just posting that there _is_ an upcoming release are two different things.

I agree that the first one belongs here, but the second one is just replicated information that clutters the forums. What I see as helpful is a compilation of "notable" releases that are upcoming in the current (or following) month. But this sort of thread type already exists. It's just that Adam doesn't seem to be much interested in it lately, or he just doesn't have the time.

Speaking of that, it probably doesn't matter at all who initiates this thread. So if you want some discussion Qui-Gon Joe, you should maybe step up and do it this time. How 'bout it?

EDIT: I just checked. The April + May release thread is the last one:

WHAT WHAT WHAT if I'd realized they were putting the two strategy guide tracks on there so as to make the original obsolete I totally would've sold that sucker for some crazy price while I still could!  >_<

And just like the Kid Icarus thing, you could have avoided that if you did watch the "just added" feed. The "Live A Live" reprint was already added in February.

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2012

LiquidAcid wrote:

So if you want some discussion Qui-Gon Joe, you should maybe step up and do it this time. How 'bout it?

Okay, did I do something to offend you, LiquidAcid?  You aren't normally this jerky to people.  sad

LiquidAcid Jun 24, 2012

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:
LiquidAcid wrote:

So if you want some discussion Qui-Gon Joe, you should maybe step up and do it this time. How 'bout it?

Okay, did I do something to offend you, LiquidAcid?  You aren't normally this jerky to people.  sad

Uhm no, you didn't. My suggestion is genuine. What makes you think otherwise?

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2012

Sorry, just your phrasing was coming across as a bit condescending and/or sarcastic.  I was just trying to get some posts in to maybe get more conversation going...

Crash Jun 24, 2012

As someone who was interested in the Kid Icarus one-disc CD (but had not bought it yet), I am glad to see that there will be a full version released soon.  Thanks for the update.

LiquidAcid Jun 24, 2012

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

I was just trying to get some posts in to maybe get more conversation going...

Sure, and I was just dropping my idea of initiating a new releases (June + July for example) thread, since this usually yields some discussion activity. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem one of the people who "complain" about the recent lack of discussion here, right? And we all know that one can complain all day long, but it won't change a thing. Just saying smile

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2012

Adam, would you mind if I put together a thread like that for new releases for June/July?  I'm gonna have to figure out the proper way to do hyperlinks if we want me to be in charge of that.

LiquidAcid wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem one of the people who "complain" about the recent lack of discussion here, right?

I think you're confusing me with somebody else.  As stated earlier, my goal is to be part of the solution rather than the problem.  Hence my feeling a little antagonized by somebody jumping on me and saying we don't need posts about this-or-that right after saying in another thread that lurking isn't going to help create discussion.

LiquidAcid Jun 24, 2012

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Adam, would you mind if I put together a thread like that for new releases for June/July?  I'm gonna have to figure out the proper way to do hyperlinks if we want me to be in charge of that.

Looks like I was faster in that regard: … ?pid=71393

I'm still doing some fine-tuning on the linking.

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 24, 2012

Nice!  HTML for making the links appears to be: <url=whatever the url is>Name of album here</url></b> obviously with brackets instead of... whatever < and > are called.

LiquidAcid Jun 24, 2012

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Nice!  HTML for making the links appears to be: <url=whatever the url is>Name of album here</url></b> obviously with brackets instead of... whatever < and > are called.

Actually you have to use standard BBcode for all that. It's just that the forums software doesn't seem to support link title fetching, so I had to do all that manually. Well, it's done now, so you can chime in smile

Dartannian Jun 24, 2012 (edited Jun 24, 2012)

Re: KRtD soundtrack, the themes from Nutty Noon - or whatever it's actually called in the original Japanese - are my favoritest. The map theme especially, with the whistling wind is absolutely haunting. Of course, I just recorded it from the game myself, and made nice, lengthy tracks for my own perusal. Unfortunately, a lot of the music from earlier in the game is just some laughing, jokin' numbnuts stupid dumb sucky thing. As in, the music was way too humorous in tone for my tastes.

What can I say? Some of the Kirby soundtracks are actually really good listens, especially Kirby's Dreamland 3, and just served to heighten my expectations as to what a Kirby soundtrack should sound like.

XLord007 Jun 25, 2012

Son of a bitch. I can't keep up with all these Club Nintendo releases. Guess this'll have to get tracked down at some point.

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