layzee Aug 5, 2012 (edited Aug 5, 2012)
Super Sentai are basically Power Rangers-like television shows where a group of heroes/heroines dress up in outrageous costumes (usually colour-coded) and do battle with the bad guys whose minions are also colour-coded. The main difference between the West and Japan is that (from my understanding), this industry is much, much larger in its home country. By the way, for those that this tidbit factoid applies to, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers is one of those things that you didn't know was Japanese in origin when you were a child. Well, now you know.
Anyway, I don't care for Super Sentai myself, but one interesting thing I noticed is the Super Sentai music that prevails in non-Super Sentai games. All or most of them share the common characteristics:
1) It sounds upbeat and catchy and above all, heroic. It is after all, a theme for the heroes/heroines.
2) If the song is originally vocal-less, the structure of the song is set up in a way that it is very, very easy to insert your own lyrics. There is no unhummable Masashi Hamauzu-style musical complexity and sophistication here.
3) The duration of the song is usually short, about one minute long but no more than two minutes.
4) "Go! Go! [insert noun here]" is a common track naming convention for such songs. There may also be other different naming conventions like "[insert verb here]! [insert noun here]".
Fight! Alkaiser (SaGa Frontier)
Fight! R3X (Ending ~ Red)
This one should be familiar to most people. The entire scenario is basically Super Sentai with the masked superheroes and the colour-coded minions. It is also reasonably easy to insert lyrics into.
Go! Go! Buriki King!! (Live-A-Live)
The main character in the scenario that this song is heard in isn't a masked superhero with colourful costumes and I can't remember if there were any colour-coded minions or not. However, it does contain big mecha which is also in the Tokusatsu genre which is also the umbrella Super Sentai falls under. As for the song itself, it is incredibly catchy (point 1); very easy to sing along to, heck it even has the lyrics in-game (point 2); short (point 3); and fits the naming convention (point 4).
Go! Go! Magic Masher! (Lunar: Silver Star)
I don't remember any visual indications of Super Sentai themes in this game but I'll be damned if the style of the song itself isn't musically inspired from Super Sentai. Also, another example of point 4.
Fight! Half-Boiled Hero (Hanjuku Hero Vs 3D / Hanjuku Hero 4 [Square Enix game])
The hint's right there in the name (hero). The music is also suitable heroic-sounding. And the main character him--or rather itself, is a half-boiled egg hero who partakes in Super Sentai hero stances (think Nazi salute, except not evil, or Sailor Moon transformation poses).
滅神戦隊 オズレンジャー (OZ - Over Zenith [Konami game])
I haven't played the game that far but may lightning strike me if there are no Super Sentai elements in this game. I'm using the original Japanese because all of the translations sound strange. If you prefer, I'll just go Kanji-by-Kanji: "Destroy God Fighting Squad Oz Ranger".
x (Super Mario RPG)
This game contains obvious Super Sentai references but there does not appear to be a musical reference (i.e. catchy and heroic songs), so it doesn't really fit the list.