vert1 Aug 26, 2012 (edited Mar 30, 2014)
Publisher: Sony
Developer: SuperBot, SCE Santa Monica, Bluepoint Games
Platform: PlayStation 3, PS Vita
Genre: Action
Origin: Japan, North America, Europe
Release: Nov 8, 2012 [JP], Nov 20, 2012 [NA], Nov 21, 2012 [EU]
Movement (left or right) - directional pad or left control stick
Attack 1 - square button
Attack 2 - triangle button
Attack 3 - circle button
Jump / Double Jump - x button
Throw - right control stick
Item Pick-up/drop - R1
Block - L1
Taunt - L2
Super Attack - R2
A lot of people are saying this is a Smash Bros. rip off. Well they're wrong. A Smash Bros. rip off would actually have decent combat design in place. You need more than a 4 player fighting game and various characters from different game series to be a ripoff. To ripoff Smash Bros. there would need to be (1) Ringouts & mechanics focused around ringouts (i.e. edgehogging, up b recovery moves, spiking, etc.), (2) Damage percentile system (no health bar -- more damage taken, more distance traveled when hit), and (3) Same or similar moveset (i.e. no SF2 command moves; weak, medium, strong attacks, double jumps, overhead attacks, both side attacks, and so on).
The developer was clearly inspired by Smash Bros though. You can see that with a lot of the choices made and design elements taken from the series (i.e. the entire theme, Fat Princess having the same move as Peach's side-b, turning translucent temporarily when knocked to the ground, etc.). So what could be the matter with it? What astoundingly stupid design decision was made that would make anyone at crappy company like THQ nervously green light this game?
This game only allows you to kill your opponents with a special move that can only be performed after building up enough meter (by hits on enemies).
None of your hits buildup a damage gauge on your opponent. 90% of the time you are going to knock your opponent around without any effect other than your special meter rising. This diminishes the impact of being hit. Is it not disconcerting to strongly hit someone without seeing massive damage (through meter or other visual indicator on enemy) done or them going flying to their death? It's like they looked at those user designed levels in Brawl where you were enclosed in a space and didn't play it to figure out what was fun about that. Those levels were fun because participants damage kept increasing and that meant that when somebody got hit at high percentages they would go flying and bounce manically around at high speeds. It was stupid fun since no one was at risk of dying. Now obviously Hyrule Castle was designed better because it had the risk of dying by having several directions to be sent to the kill screen which made getting high percentages more nerve wracking. It even had bombs come down in sudden death that would knock you silly with a chance you could tech or be in a good position to survive the explosion.
So what they did was recreate that Brawl experience without the hectic bouncing around at high speeds off walls, remove the damage percentile system, and threw in a special move power (the bad addition to Smash Bros.) that does not allow a chance to knock the power out of them. Meter does not change when killed. And all those special moves will again range from near impossible to dodge to impossible to dodge. It looks like you can also forget about a combo system like Smash since juggling would be inescapable.
Then you have the look of the game which is super ugly. They ruined Sly Cooper's cute character look by making it more gritty/mature. The 3D models look terrible. It's like a bunch of generic dudes you kill in Playstation games running around than main characters. You've got the ugly Dante in there. It's the issue of having realistic figures over cartoonish figures really. When you got killed in Smash there would be a huge explosion jut out of the screen. In this game it's like a pathetic poof. The backgrounds look super unimpressive compared to Brawl, SFxTekken, and pretty much any current fighting game.
I think they hope that playing with 4 people will mask how shallow and stupid this game is. That the party game crowd won't care since their standards are so low. I think they're wrong.
So what are your thoughts on this game? Do you agree with what I wrote? And if anyone has played Guilty Gear Isuka I'd like to hear a comparison of that to Smash Bros and this game.
edit1: added "on this game" and "with what I wrote" to the second to last sentence. removed a segment of the first sentence.
edit2: added more explanation on what a smash ripoff would be and added YuYuHakusho game link.