James O Sep 1, 2012
Earlier thought this was only going to be on iTunes Japan... made it here to iTunes NA... nice.
Earlier thought this was only going to be on iTunes Japan... made it here to iTunes NA... nice.
Huh. The price on the U.S. iTunes store is a fraction of the price on the Japanese iTunes store.
Ya pretty cheap only $3.99 for the whole set. I don't understand why all the other entries that make up the full soundtrack are also $3.99 too. What's the point of the other "lands" albums if you can get the whole thing for the same cheap price?
This sure seems like a pricing error. Now's the time to buy.
in the US its subsidized by a bullshit 1.05$ billion legal payout...
in the US its subsidized by a bullshit 1.05$ billion legal payout...
I am not familiar with this. Can you explain?
longhairmike wrote:in the US its subsidized by a bullshit 1.05$ billion legal payout...
I am not familiar with this. Can you explain?
He means the court ruling that was recently handed down in the US where Samsung was found guilty of infringing on Apple's patents. The damages to be awarded to Apple amounted to a billion dollars. In Japan the court found in favor of Samsung but I don't think any damages were awarded.
that's crazy.
It wouldn't affect iTunes pricing tho.
And now it's off of the U.S. iTunes store. I wonder what the price will be when it comes back.
It's not really clear to me what this is for. Is this the complete FFXIV soundtrack? An expansion?
So, now it's back on iTunes... but i think the tracks are numbered differently for some reason. and of course the price is higher. Also it seems there was something wrong with the Japanese version, but i'm not entirely sure what.
So there are four volumes and one that collects them all? Am I understanding this correctly? The collected ones seems to have more tracks as far as I can see. Nice to see them on the European store. Some FF albums are there but it's a bit patchy and many releases are missing.
Edit: OT but the FFXIII OST is on the EU store but only as individual tracks meaning it would cost €83 to buy the set.
Edit: OT but the FFXIII OST is on the EU store but only as individual tracks meaning it would cost €83 to buy the set.
Pretty ridiculous for lossy files.