XLord007 Oct 8, 2012
Is anyone else listening to this? I picked this one up just for the hell of it, and I'm pretty impressed. Check it out if you haven't already.
Is anyone else listening to this? I picked this one up just for the hell of it, and I'm pretty impressed. Check it out if you haven't already.
I did, but already back in July. I like it a lot more than their score for Emil Chronicle. Still pondering if I should get the album and from where (PA is not an option...)
How's the game? It looks promising, I'd like to know how it holds up as a single player game? It's also been touted as a multiplayer experience, but I like to play single
Here's your thread to talk about the game.
http://www.soundtrackcentral.com/forums … hp?id=6975
Does the soundtrack mimic Guardian Heroes as well?