Angela Jan 19, 2006 (edited Jan 20, 2006)
Yay, the first official game music post after Adam's intro! ^_^ I'll repost the one I did on the older forum, which still seems to be running since I have it bookmarked -- but will transfer it to here.
The music score wasn't done by Koji Hayama this time around, but Soichi Terada, who was responsible for the first Ape Escape. From what I've heard so far, it seems Terada's got an excellent piece of work on his hands. Heavy on melody, varying styles, and thematics -- yeah, this is very enjoyable stuff. The Freaky Monkey Five each has a theme designated for themselves now; I've only faced White and Blue so far, but White's in particular is an electronica-hard rockin' piece of goodness. My two favorite songs thus far: the wild west town, "A Fistful of Bananas," hearkens back to Michiko Naruke's finest from the Wild Arms series, and 'Specter TV Studio,' which is groovin' in all the best possible ways.
Although I plan to do a full score recording once I've unlocked the sound test, here's a 33 MB-sized zip file for a partial recording I'd done up. This first batch includes: Alley of The Dragon [Monkey White Battle], Seaside Resort [My 36th Wedding], Specter TV Studio [A No-Holds-Barred-Exposé], The Ballroom Dance, and Wild West Town (A Fistful of Bananas). Enjoy!