Amazingu wrote:There was a time when my 360 got the most playtime, but it has been made completely obsolete by the PS3 now and I haven't touched it in over a year, I think..
I am AMAZED by how much I agree with this sentiment. Microsoft started this generation having my business firmly locked in with the types of games they secured as exclusives. I mean during the early days we had a Katamari game, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, and a number of Square games (back before I distrusted anything they made). Plus it took a LONG time before the PS3 version of multiplatform games performed as well as their 360 counterparts (ew PS3 Bayonetta ew).
...actually for the last couple years there's been little for either console that has excited me. At least we just got Ni No Kuni for PS3!
I'm firmly in "wait and see" mode for both PS4 and whatever the new Xbox will be called. Nothing I've heard excites me at ALL for either. As awful as the Wii U launch window has been for Nintendo, I'm still happy to have a Wii U because I know at least I'll get their first party stuff AND all my digital stuff from Wii transferred AND it's not always-online or any of that other BS.