manganzon81 Jan 19, 2013 (edited Jan 19, 2013)
What is it with GameStop? Is anyone with me in agreeing their whole thing with unsealing a new copy of a game and using it as a "display copy" and selling that copy for full price when it is the last one in stock?
I have always had the worst luck when trying to buy a game from this store. It is almost always the last one in stock and is always that "display copy".
The only reason I just bought a game today from them was because they tracked down a copy of the rare Gamestop exclusive game Xenoblade Chronicles for me. Of course it was a "display copy" and not sealed. I gave in and just paid the 50 cause anywhere else (amazon, ebay) this game goes for at least 70 bucks.
I tried to speak up and tell these guys how wrong it is and I get some BS how its visual marketing to display the cover of the game in the store (no duh) and theres no way for them to tell what game the customer is looking for when they're browsing. Really? Im not an idiot. OF course I know that. But theres a way to do it without unsealing a copy of a new game and selling that copy for full price. What they SHOULD do is either display the sealed copy with a security tag on it like best buy or get fake cases and xerox copies of the cover of the game. It's really that simple!
I checked the Xenoblade copy and it all seemed new but still. I walked out of that store just now feeling gipped somehow. If it wasn't cause it was Xenoblade being out of print and not a gamestop exclusive I would've NEVER bought it. I NEVER go into that store.
Just needed to vent. I'm gonna try to forget about it and just enjoy this incredible game! Thanks!