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Qui-Gon Joe Jul 15, 2013

From the picture it looks like it's just a single disc in a sleeve.  It says " This re-released CD features the entire soundtrack of this classic Zelda™ title" BUT that really can't be true (the original 2 CD set from Japan had super short tracks in order to fit the whole thing onto two!).

But seriously, is this not the weirdest thing ever?  Why Majora's Mask?  Why not the new Year of Luigi CD that Club Nintendo in Japan is getting?  (

avatar! Jul 15, 2013

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

From the picture it looks like it's just a single disc in a sleeve.  It says " This re-released CD features the entire soundtrack of this classic Zelda™ title" BUT that really can't be true (the original 2 CD set from Japan had super short tracks in order to fit the whole thing onto two!).

But seriously, is this not the weirdest thing ever?  Why Majora's Mask?  Why not the new Year of Luigi CD that Club Nintendo in Japan is getting?  (

It clearly says this is a "re-released 2 CD set" of the original soundtrack. Perhaps they're releasing it now with the intention of releasing a 3DS version of Majora's Mask.

Qui-Gon Joe Jul 15, 2013

Oooooooooookay they altered the description from this morning (specifically the sentence that I copied and pasted).  Apparently it's the 2 CD set!  Kind of cool for anyone who wants this, as the Japanese original is hideously expensive now.

absuplendous Jul 15, 2013

I can vouch that the original product description did not specify two discs (and I don't believe it specified a jewel case either). I wonder if the revision was in response to the incredulous response it's received all the web over.

A MM soundtrack of all things did seem odd to me, too, with no indication that they're going to do anything with the title in the near future. It'd be nice if it was the equivalent of the JP release--or that it heralded a MM 3DS port--but at this point I assume nothing when it comes to Club Nintendo rewards.

XLord007 Jul 15, 2013

I can also vouch that there was no mention of two discs when I checked earlier. Maybe they saw my tweets bemoaning that. ;0

It is a very strange thing to re-release (there was a two-disc U.S. Nintendo Power OST for MM released many moons ago), especially this year. Miyamoto has discussed the possibility of a 3DS remake of MM, but he said Link Between Worlds would be first regardless, and that's not due until November. Maybe someone at NOA is just a huge MM fan. Part of me wonders if it has to do with feedback from the Zelda concerts, though. I remember people being extremely excited that there was an MM piece included as part of the encore for the Season 1 concert.

tri-Ace Super Fan Jul 15, 2013

Dang, just my luck that a year in which I actually qualify for an Elite status (the only times I had done so previously were the first two years of Club Nintendo, when I was Platinum both years) they're offering a soundtrack, as opposed to the sub-par Platinum prizes of the last couple years, and I'm only Gold, not Platinum, so I can't get it. :(

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