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Jodo Kast Aug 12, 2013

Of the 2013 movies I've watched so far, this is the best. I expected as much, simply because his earlier effort, District 9, was phenomenal. Elysium provides for a very reasonable extrapolation of the near future, especially in the development of robotics. The small ringworld was of course nothing compared to Larry Niven's Ringworld, but it was still beautiful.

longhairmike Aug 12, 2013

always use a towel at the gym so you dont catch ringworld

James O Aug 12, 2013

i liked the look of the movie, especially the wheel, but the characters fell flat for me.  The story seemed rather simple too imo.

Jodo Kast Aug 14, 2013

longhairmike wrote:

always use a towel at the gym so you dont catch ringworld

I think a blowtorch would be better.

Yotsuya Aug 14, 2013

I saw this last night and was pretty pumped up to see it cause I loved District 9, basically it has a similar dystopian aesthetic. I applaud writer/director Neill Blomkamp for taking a stab at contemporary issues with a sci-fi allegory, it seemed a little heavy-handed at times but better than mindless fluff.

The effects, the concepts and all the sci-fi ephemera were spot on. Also the acting was pretty solid with one or two shining performances. I say it's worth your $10.

XLord007 Aug 17, 2013

Saw this a few days ago and enjoyed it more than I was expecting to. I didn't care for the heavy handed us vs. them setup which never really establishes why the rich hate the poor so much, but you could see a lot of thought was put into the futuristic weapon designs, and the movie doesn't overstay it's welcome. It's no District 9, but it's very tightly edited, well directed, and worth a watch.

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