vert1 Oct 28, 2013 (edited Oct 28, 2013)
This is a thread to discuss music that is top-tier from the NEC PC-98's (or 88) software catalogue.
I've yet to download the .something files for the music, but I have been listening to http://gyusyabu.ddo.jp/ website of several PC-98 game tracks. For right now my favorite music as follows:
1) http://gyusyabu.ddo.jp/MP3/1988/SOR98.html
Just ridiculously good upbeat tune. Sounds much better in its native format than in the symphony arrange.
2)http://gyusyabu.ddo.jp/MP3/1996/YUNO1.html - TOP VIDEO (Beginning part and part that starts at 4:08)
I can only describe this as sparkly music.
3) http://gyusyabu.ddo.jp/MP3/1989/FH1.html - (Middle of video [Beethoven 5th?] to end)
4) http://gyusyabu.ddo.jp/MP3/1989/PV1.html
Wow. Wow.