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avatar! Dec 3, 2013 … index.html

I don't know about this. The first thing that came to mind was "what if there's a malfunction"? and there are bound to be some. If you have an object fall on your head, it does not need to fall from far in order to kill you. Not to mention cause lots of damage. Also, what about birds? Wouldn't a fleet of drones be a nuisance to birds? Would this also not put lots of people out of business? While in the short run this is more expensive than having a person deliver a package, I suppose since drones do not need medical benefits nor paychecks, in the long run it pays off, and of course that's what a company is all about: money. Sad.

The_Paladin Dec 3, 2013

I have a hard time believing the FAA will give them permission to use drones, especially since that opens up a big can of worms.

GoldfishX Dec 3, 2013

I agree with everything avatar said. It's unsafe (for both air and ground) and it's going to kill a lot of jobs. If you're a postal worker or a delivery person, you should be picketing against these things for all you're worth. There is also controversy about using them to spy on people for their information/habits/whatever. I'm impressed with the technology, but no way it should be implemented as a human delivery alternative.

Jay Dec 3, 2013

I'm pretty certain that, like a lot of Amazon and Google tech stories, this is just PR nonsense. Getting Amazon in the news as a reminder pre-Christmas.

Zane Dec 3, 2013

GoldfishX wrote:

There is also controversy about using them to spy on people for their information/habits/whatever.

This. Introduce drones to the public as a delivery method so people associate them with satisfaction and happiness, and as time goes on other kinds of drones could be introduced with less resistance from the public. I think this shit is terrifying.

Jodo Kast Dec 3, 2013

I've already accepted the reality of machines/technology/AI/etc. replacing much of what humans do. I wouldn't be surprised if it soon (within a century) becomes illegal for humans to operate motorized vehicles. Everything will be a "drone"; this is my prediction.

Ashley Winchester Dec 3, 2013

Am I the only one that thinks the mail is fast enough...? It usually only takes two to three days for me to get something I ordered unless there is a weekend in there.

Then again the drone would deliver on Sunday... lol.

Anyway, I know I should never say never but I think this is one area where their CEO Bezos [sp?] is overreaching. He's clearly thinking a little too far ahead on this one.

This whole thing kind of reminds me of the Sky Lagoon in Mega Man X4. The X series takes place in the future... but am I to seriously believe that ANY civilization should be STUPID enough to suspend a man-made structure in the sky that is dependent on electricity over a major metropolitan area? Yet when it crashes and kills an untold amount of people it's the damn maverick who took out the generator fault... not the idiot that thought this was a good idea in the first place.

Sorry, just had to throw that in there.

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