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Ashley Winchester Dec 11, 2013

I don't think this thread will go anywhere but has anyone ever got a gift that made them cry or almost cry? I got a gift today (it's kind of surprising what it was) and it was really special...

A few months ago I was down at the Game X-Change and the owner was showing me this near mint issue of Nintendo Power with a big Earthbound feature in it. The guy's a big Earthbound fan, but looking at the magazine really reminded me of the silver-covered Mega Man X issue from February 1994. My grade school had a ton of Nintendo Power magazines and the year the closed the school down (my sixth grade year) they gave them away and I made absolutely sure I got that issue. Unfortunately, a year or two later I ended up losing it when our house was flooded because I had it stashed way in our garage.

When looking through the magazine he had I made a passing reference to the X issue and completely forgot about it afterwards. Today I was dropping off some gifts at the store and he gave me vanilla envelope and a copy of this was inside. I was completely blindsided. Man, the memories this thing brought back... I remember when I photocopied the maps from the magazine before I actually got it all those years ago. I don't know if I would have ever gotten around to getting this thing myself... but even though I have so much Mega Man X stuff (I just got he Jazz arrange disc again) this is just a really special piece to add to it.

Anyway, sorry for prattling on but for some reason this issue of Nintendo Power really holds a lot of nostalgic value for me. I mean the game was freaking fantastic back then and even is now.

silentdrifter5 Dec 11, 2013

I think I might have almost cried when I got my first NES back in the late eighties but aside from that I can't really recall any occasion where I got really emotional over receiving a gift. I do remember a time back in the late nineties when I really wanted Final Fantasy 2 for the SNES in the worst way. I lived in a small town back then and only had one video store where I could rent games from. It took close to a year before I finally tracked a copy of it down. As soon as I plugged it in and heard the title theme for the first time in what felt like ages...well, let's just say I got a little giddy.

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