avatar! Dec 12, 2013 (edited Dec 12, 2013)
There sure seems to be lots of it running around! I call BS on this:
http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/11/us/texas- … index.html
Summary: teen is spoiled by rich parents, goes to Wal-Mart, steals beer, gets drunk, kills 4 people, gets probation (NO jail time at all)! Basically, this judge (Jean Boyd, who should be fired ASAP) is showing that here in the US, it's OK to kill people as long as you're behind the wheels of a car. Also, make sure your family is rich, then you can claim you were the "victim" of "affuenza" (I'm not making this up! read the article)! I can't even begin to express how idiotic this judge is. How are drunk-driving laws in other countries? I sure hope they're harsher than here in the US!
edit: Thanks, Jay