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avatar! Dec 12, 2013 (edited Dec 12, 2013)

There sure seems to be lots of it running around! I call BS on this: … index.html

Summary: teen is spoiled by rich parents, goes to Wal-Mart, steals beer, gets drunk, kills 4 people, gets probation (NO jail time at all)! Basically, this judge (Jean Boyd, who should be fired ASAP) is showing that here in the US, it's OK to kill people as long as you're behind the wheels of a car. Also, make sure your family is rich, then you can claim you were the "victim" of "affuenza" (I'm not making this up! read the article)! I can't even begin to express how idiotic this judge is. How are drunk-driving laws in other countries? I sure hope they're harsher than here in the US!

edit: Thanks, Jay tongue

Jay Dec 12, 2013

I just hope the bear got home safely.

avatar! Dec 12, 2013

Jay wrote:

I just hope the bear got home safely.

Everyone's a comedian these days!

Jay Dec 12, 2013

lol sorry! Couldn't resist.

Razakin Dec 12, 2013

But that news does say this:
"(The judge) fashioned a sentence that is going to keep Ethan under the thumb of the justice system for the next 10 years," he said. "And if Ethan doesn't do what he's supposed to do, if he has one misstep at all, then this judge, or an adult judge when he's transferred, can then incarcerate him."

So, does that mean he is in somekind of parole for the next ten years? But yeah, rich people always do get away from things easier, no matter what.

And wouldn't surprise me if that kid isn't already sued in few different directions and thus is gonna lose something that matters a shitton to him and his family, money.

avatar! Dec 12, 2013

Razakin wrote:

But that news does say this:
"(The judge) fashioned a sentence that is going to keep Ethan under the thumb of the justice system for the next 10 years," he said. "And if Ethan doesn't do what he's supposed to do, if he has one misstep at all, then this judge, or an adult judge when he's transferred, can then incarcerate him."

So, does that mean he is in somekind of parole for the next ten years? But yeah, rich people always do get away from things easier, no matter what.

And wouldn't surprise me if that kid isn't already sued in few different directions and thus is gonna lose something that matters a shitton to him and his family, money.

Basically, he gets to keep doing what he wants. Also, if he has a "misstep" that at this points means diddly-squat. I really hope the prosecutors ask for a retrial. Just to show you how asinine this is, take a look at this similar case: … four-cras/

Four people died due to a drunk driver, and there was no "affuenza" BS! The driver got a 24-80 year sentence in jail. Of course, in this case he's not rich, so I suppose it makes sense, right judge Boyd?

Ashley Winchester Dec 12, 2013

This reminds me of the girl I grew up with next door. A few years ago she embezzled a pretty decent amount of money from a Rite Aid drug store and she pretty much got off punishment-free because her father was able to make restitution. Their family wasn't super rich but they were well off.

After reading this in the paper all my dad would say to me is "don't do ANYTHING that stupid... we don't have the money to buy your way out of it."

My father is far from being correct all the time but that was/is the honest truth.

rein Dec 12, 2013

I thought this thread would be about the fake sign language interpreter at the Nelson Mandela memorial service who now claims that he panicked and pretended to sign because he was experiencing a schizophrenic episode during the service.

Kirin Lemon Dec 12, 2013

The defense amounts to "he was raised to be rich and spoiled, so he never learned that there are consequences for his actions."  Well gee, what better way to teach him that there are consequences for his actions than by basically letting him off scott-free?  f---ing Texas, man...

Ashley Winchester Dec 12, 2013

rein wrote:

I thought this thread would be about the fake sign language interpreter at the Nelson Mandela memorial service who now claims that he panicked and pretended to sign because he was experiencing a schizophrenic episode during the service.

Wait a minute... THAT was his defense...? Combine this with the topic of the thread and I've heard everything...

Razakin Dec 13, 2013

avatar! wrote:

Basically, he gets to keep doing what he wants. Also, if he has a "misstep" that at this points means diddly-squat. I really hope the prosecutors ask for a retrial. Just to show you how asinine this is, take a look at this similar case: … four-cras/

Four people died due to a drunk driver, and there was no "affuenza" BS! The driver got a 24-80 year sentence in jail. Of course, in this case he's not rich, so I suppose it makes sense, right judge Boyd?

Aren't laws bit different state by state, and judges to matter on the case also. And the richness. And of course, on this case, we could even wonder if the race of the driver did impact the verdict. And of course, there was 7 other people injured on this case alongside those who died. But still, bullshit is bullshit and money makes life 'easier'. That's why I always buy 1up mushrooms with my coins.

avatar! Dec 13, 2013

Razakin wrote:

Aren't laws bit different state by state, and judges to matter on the case also. And the richness. And of course, on this case, we could even wonder if the race of the driver did impact the verdict. And of course, there was 7 other people injured on this case alongside those who died. But still, bullshit is bullshit and money makes life 'easier'. That's why I always buy 1up mushrooms with my coins.

Yes, States have different laws. In many ways this makes sense, but for drunk driving I think there should be mandatory jail time no matter in which state you reside. Not only is this schmuck not going to spend any time in jail, he's spending no time for murdering 4 people! There were also injuries by the way. I read that at least two people suffered serious injuries and are in the hospital.

raynebc Dec 14, 2013 (edited Dec 14, 2013)

If I got to assign the sentence, I would make the brat's family pay for all damages, hospital costs for the injured, restitution to the families of the deceased, give the brat a decade or two of jail time with no chance of parole and deny him a driver's license for life.  We'd see how privileged he feels after he gets through with that.

avatar! Feb 6, 2014 (edited Feb 6, 2014)

Follow-up to rich boy steals beer, gets drunk, kills 4, permanently cripples others, gets NO jail time at all:

in summary: if you're rich, do whatever you want, there are no consequences other than a fine.

Edit: Also, I love this: "[Couch]could face prison time if he runs away from the facility or violates any other terms of his probation" and yet "There is no minimum amount of time Couch must spend in the facility before his release". So, what the HELL?

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