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Angela May 29, 2006

Now that it's gone Player's Choice, I thought this might be a good time to pick up Pikmin 2.  I've not played the first game, though, so you think it'd matter much if I just jumped into the sequel?

Maybe it's in anticipation of the summer lull, too, but I'm deciding whether I should pick up Chibi Robo or not.  Although I'll likely end up getting both eventually, just out of curiosity, which is the more enjoyable game to you: Pikmin or Chibi Robo?

Ryu May 29, 2006

If you can get Pikmin you might want to get it first, then play the second one later.  If you aren't one of those sticklers like me that prefers to have and play entire series and can skip the first one for the second then get it.  The games are fun, if not sometimes aggravating---at first I felt bad for losing Pikmin here or there, but, especially in the second one, I started to hate them.  Hate them all.

Chibi-Robo was good enough, but I would suggest either Pikmin over it, and you might be able to get both Pikmin for the same if not cheaper than Chibi alone.

Qui-Gon Joe May 29, 2006

Personally I think Pikmin 2 improves over the original in every way.  If you're planning on playing both, it might be worth it to play the original first if you don't want that particular experience lessened for you.  I have Chibi Robo but it's in my backlog pile still, so I can't comment on that one.  I have a number of trusted gaming friends who tell me it's ridiculously fun, though.

Schala May 29, 2006 (edited May 29, 2006)

I love the Pikmin series just because it's darn fun to watch my brother play. But it's very heartbreaking when the Pikmin die. That's why I could never play it myself. Especially when you hear 'em splashing around, slowly drowning. Or when they catch on fire and they're running around they're slowly burned to a crisp. And in #1, you can't do crap about that, whereas in #2 you can blow your whistle and call your Pikmin to you before whatever natural disaster it is claims the lives of your poor helpers. Except for lightning/electricity. That' s instant death no matter which game.

We did play co-op a couple times in #2 and it was pretty fun, although the controls get confusing, especially changing the view. Oh man, after attempting it once for a few seconds, trying desperately to run and then aim correctly to toss Pikmin onto the enemy, being veeery careful with that because after you toss 'em your Pikmin are gonna stand around like idiots right in the path of said enemy -- after that, I never tried it again. Heh.

Okay, uh, I suppose I had some kind of point in all this rambling. ^_~ It is a good game, awfully cute and everything, great puzzles, though frustrating at times (but then what game isn't?). The controls will probably be your biggest enemy. I personally would stick with Pikmin 2, mainly because you have greater ability to save your Pikmin from water and fire, unless you have the mental strength necessary to not care too much, in which case you should start with #1. Can't say anything about Chibi-Robo as I've never heard of the game.

XLord007 May 30, 2006

Angela wrote:

Now that it's gone Player's Choice, I thought this might be a good time to pick up Pikmin 2.  I've not played the first game, though, so you think it'd matter much if I just jumped into the sequel?

I have Pikmin 1 and I would recommend skipping it, regardless of whether or not you have choose to buy Pikmin 2.  It's a good concept, but it's not really much fun since the time limit is a pain in the ass and getting your Pikmin anywhere near water is pretty much the death of them.  I haven't played much of Pikmin 2, but reviews generally indicate that it's better than the first one in nearly every way plus it doesn't have the time limit.

Angela wrote:

Maybe it's in anticipation of the summer lull, too, but I'm deciding whether I should pick up Chibi Robo or not.  Although I'll likely end up getting both eventually, just out of curiosity, which is the more enjoyable game to you: Pikmin or Chibi Robo?

Chibi Robo all the way.  This game is, in my opinion, a must have.  It's an incredibly engaging, original, and charming adventure game and my "2006 - Game of the Year So Far."  The only negative things I can say about it are that it is somewhat slow paced and late in the game one key objective is very difficult to discover without aid.

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