I'm about 40 hours in, starting up on Chapter 4 (out of an apparently 8 chapters), and I've loved every minute of it. The game feels like a spiritual successor to Final Fantasies V, IX, and Tactics -- but with modern mechanics to offset what may be perceived as archaic JRPG trappings. (The encounter rate adjuster and autoplay/sped up battles are godsends.) A winning combination to be sure.
What I find perplexing is, for as much praise as the music tends to receive - and make no mistake, it's an incredible score - that nobody mentions how poor the sound engineering is in places. After becoming reasonably acclimated to both the OST release and the music as presented in-game, I find that a lot of songs suffer from an overabundance of bass. Actually, I hesitate to call it 'bass,' but it does sound like some weird anomaly in the mastering that gives off a distinctly muffled, treble-less quality. The battle tracks seem to suffer the most, including the boss battle themes "That Person's Name Is" and "Fighting to the End" -- along with the suite of final battle tracks, the 'Special' battle themes for the four characters, and "Ship Soaring Through the Heavens." I thought it was only me, but then I also listened to the Luxendarc studio arranged albums, and they too were given the same muddy sounding treatment.
Apparently, some folks have said that this is something of the norm with Revo's and Linked Horizon's releases -- but has anyone here *not* noticed such discrepancies with the score?