Ashley Winchester Feb 3, 2014
I'm kind of surprised no one else has posted this (Avatar is usually pretty up to date with current events...) but Philip Seymour Hoffman has passed away. Many outlets are reporting this as a drug overdose and I've actually been told by a lot of people he had a lot of heroin (a rather absurd amount) on hand when they found him at his house.
Definitely a shame... I'll always remember him for playing Dustin 'Dusty' Davis, the hyperactive storm chaser in 1996's Twister (he pretty much steals that film from Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt although there isn't a whole lot to steal...) and when he played the moral-free Freddy Lounds who is trying scrounge up a story for the gossip rags in Red Dragon. Not really big roles but he was more than effective when playing them.