Ashley Winchester treated to a paper with a few Islams written on. Apparently, God loves me and Metal Slug games despite their animated violence and blood descriptors.
I'm sorry... I'm not really religious but I really dislike it when people try to cram their beliefs into a simple, on-line transactions like this. Even worse is when they try and use this to get sales by mentioning it first thing in their shop description.
Why did you even buy it, if the shop description had information that the seller is religious and orders might include notes with prayers or similar stuff? And I wouldn't mind people doing that, it's really miniscule cramming, you probably get more in games if you start checking their stories and where the stuff is taken from. But if they would have tried to convert etc. then I would be singing a different tune.
But be sure to ask which of the gazillion gods loves you, hopefully it's Cthulhu. That would be awesome.