Adventure Island 3 NES: Go for it. It's as fun as the first two, with more features, more dinosaurs and more leaf loincloths.
Battletoads NES: Difficulty be damned. The animation and oomph make it a worthy competitor to Technos games.
Breath of Fire 3 OST: Shoddy casing, ton of missing content both count as strikes to this. It's good, but not worth it otherwise.
Dracula X SNES: I wouldn't even consider it. That's a lot of money for a castrated product, completionist or no.
Darkstalkers 3 PSX: The money you spend on this could go towards a saturn copy of Vampire Savior on Saturn w/ Ram cart. Which you should be doing with all Capcom fighters anyways.
Fear Effect 1, 2 PSX: Do it. They're not hard to come by as far as I can tell, and they're definitely very interesting games.
All the listed FF Games: Better versions of every single one of these games exist (unless FFX remaster has the Japanese voice acting). Save yourself the headache.
Dawn of Mana PS2: Stay away. Truly bewildering gameplay mechanics overlaid on top of one of the most dubious uses of the havoc physics system make this one a mild curiosity at best.
Megaman Legends Prima guides: Jesus, man. These are early Prima guides. They stop just short of giving you the hantavirus.
Megaman Network Transmission GCN: Do it. For the love of christ, this is a solid game with a great soundtrack.
Metal Gear Solid GBC: Very well put together stealth title for the little brick. Shocked me with it's quality.
Metroid Prime guide by Versus Books: I'll just say this. I have never gone wrong with Versus Books.
Metroid Prime Hunters First Hunt DS: Just get the full version. No need for this demo cart.
Muramasa Wii: Get this. It's the best game on the goddamn Wii. Dat soundtrack, dat swordfighting, dat animation. Dat art style.
Punch-Out!! various: I'd get Super Punch-Out!! (my personal favorite in the series) and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! since it's such a bizarre timepiece.
River City Ransom GBA: I vastly prefer the NES original. Felt . . . I dunno, tougher? It's hard to take Kunio-kun seriously in his white school uniform.
Threads of Fate PSX: Hard to say. It's an interesting piece of work, coming from the hazy days of Square's golden-age of IP exploration. I didn't think it was terribly great, however.
Virtual On Saturn: I played the shit out of this in the arcades. The saturn version hurts my eyes. That said, it's pretty faithful, and if you manage to get the twin sticks, even better. Just do your research. Apparently, the sticks don't work with certain region's releases.
Wild-Arms anything: I wouldn't waste my own time with anything other than WIld Arms 1 and 2. The versus guides come recommended, though.
Xenogears OST: A must have for any VGM collector. My first OST was a bootleg of this, and I was so disgusted when I found out years later, I threw it out and sought out an official one.
Zelda Link's Awakening GB: I prefer the original over the DX version on the GBC. All the added stuff felt wholly unnecessary. Something about the somber green and yellow tones somehow add to the surreal dreamscape of Koholint Island.