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jb Apr 1, 2014

Sort of a mini Ghibli ga Ippai since it is only Miyazaki works. I already bought Nausicaa, Laputa, Spirited Away and Grave of the Fireflies individually so I feel like I should just continue buying them individually hmm Kinda figured they would do something like this but was really hoping it'd be a full Ghibli collection.

Thoughts, comments? Discuss!

avatar! Apr 1, 2014

jb wrote:

Sort of a mini Ghibli ga Ippai since it is only Miyazaki works. I already bought Nausicaa, Laputa, Spirited Away and Grave of the Fireflies individually so I feel like I should just continue buying them individually hmm Kinda figured they would do something like this but was really hoping it'd be a full Ghibli collection.

Thoughts, comments? Discuss!

For almost $600, it's not even something I'm considering. Unless it's personally signed by Miyazaki, I am going to pass. I believe (although maybe I'm mistaken) that the Disney blu-ray releases include the option to watch the movie in the original Japanese. I personally prefer the English dub since they did a great job, but it's nice that you can listen to it in different languages. Also, the Disney blu-rays are about $20 each. Perhaps blu-rays are far more expensive in Japan?

jb Apr 1, 2014

Yeah, BD is insanely pricey in Japan (idk why). One of the reasons I like the single JP version over the US is the minimalistic Ghibli cover (one color background / white silhouette picture) and I think a lot of people feel that way. $600 for the lot of 11 plus bonuses is decent as the individuals are upwards of $60 each, more with shipping etc. I was just throwing a BD in my random monthly orders when I had extra cash to spend.

The box does come with On Your Mark, which is hard to come by I think?

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