Adam Corn Apr 15, 2014
Minute for minute this is the best Marvel movie yet. At its best it's right up there with Iron Man 1 and The Avengers, but while Iron Man faltered a bit at the end and The Avengers required some amount of indulgence, this one is rock solid from start to finish and even a comic book cynic could enjoy it. The pacing is perfect, the action has a bit of everything and is seriously impressive, and there's hardly a line of cheesy dialog to be heard.
If you had to nitpick you could say the grand scheme doesn't quite live up to the intrigue that precedes it (granted there's a LOT of early intrigue) and, well, the makeup artist goes overboard on Chris Evans in a couple scenes. Yeah, that's the worst of it. As far as action movie go it's about as good as it gets.
4 1/2 stars