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avatar! Apr 16, 2014 (edited Apr 16, 2014)

Yeah, it's cute. Of course, it's also a vision of times to come. The vast majority of people are going to be too dumb to do things in the future except for flipping hamburgers. Of course someone will probably invent a "smart burger flipper" so not sure what people will do except perhaps push some buttons? When I speak to older people, they tell me when they were younger some of the things they used to do include taking cars apart and sprucing them back together. Sure, some people can still do that, but most people can't get a tape player to work!

Also, Elders React to Grand Theft Auto V is pretty awesome smile

absuplendous Apr 16, 2014

I wouldn't say that today's children being unable to immediately operate equipment at least twice as old as they constitutes being "too dumb." The video highlights how much technology has evolved--it's to the point where the precursors aren't even recognizable to them. They've never known anything like this in their lifetimes, so of course it's going to be foreign and unwieldy to them. They're simple devices, yes, but they're also completely out of context. I'm sure that thirty years from now, kids will find today's devices just as nebulous ("you mean you have to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy").

Ashley Winchester Apr 16, 2014

I agree with absuplendous... but at the same time some of these young people often show NO respect towards things like this or realize that these older inventions made current innovations possible.

This really reminds me when I took my copy of Symphony of the Night over to my friends house and his younger brother immediately hated on it just because it wasn't in 3D. I know each generation is probably going to gravitate towards the games that were released when they were growing up (*guilty*) but to just dismiss a game because it is sprite based (without even trying to play it) is really shortsighted. I don't care when it was released... a good game is a good game.

Not everyone is like that however. I mean I'm sure that DLable games on things like the Wiishop would prove me wrong in older games being lost on younger gamers. I know we're not being talking about games specifically, but hell, I remember growing up in the 1990's and messing around with my parents 8 track tapes.

GoldfishX Apr 16, 2014

I'll say this...The DAC/headphone amplifier in my old Discman wiped the floor with any standalone product I've used since, disc based or file based. Those batteries died fast, but that thing had some serious power and was incredibly well-made. I was always curious about the sound quality on the cassette tape Walkmans, I had a fairly large portable player for my tapes with VGM recorded on them.

Ashley Winchester Apr 16, 2014

GoldfishX wrote:

I was always curious about the sound quality on the cassette tape Walkmans, I had a fairly large portable player for my tapes with VGM recorded on them.

Actually, speaking of tapes, it's damn near impossible to find even small boomboxes with a tape deck on them for sale anymore. Tapes have definitely been phased out outside of older automobiles...

...however I DO find it odd that one can still find DVD/VHS combos still.

Personally, I'm annoyed that the stores in my area still carries blank VHS tapes but can't carry standard sized CD jewel cases.

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