avatar! Apr 25, 2014
I really don't know. I guess it's kind of amusing, but I can't help but feel life offers more...
I really don't know. I guess it's kind of amusing, but I can't help but feel life offers more...
Very impressive. I've started to compile all the various timber performances of this legendary theme music.
Very impressive. I've started to compile all the various timber performances of this legendary theme music.
I strongly advise you add the banana version to your compilation as well.
a banana version! lol. the gods are not pleased.
https://tv.yahoo.com/news/lindsay-lohan … 00322.html
So uh, I guess when you're a "celebrity" and you suck, you sue video game companies?
https://tv.yahoo.com/news/lindsay-lohan … 00322.html
So uh, I guess when you're a "celebrity" and you suck, you sue video game companies?
This lawsuit is completely baseless. News of this came up months ago and Rockstar actually produced the model they paid to pose for the artwork.
Complete crap.
avatar! wrote:https://tv.yahoo.com/news/lindsay-lohan … 00322.html
So uh, I guess when you're a "celebrity" and you suck, you sue video game companies?
This lawsuit is completely baseless. News of this came up months ago and Rockstar actually produced the model they paid to pose for the artwork.
Complete crap.
Lohan isn't suing because of the blond bikini girl, she's suing because of char called Lacey Jonas, but apparently she forgets that parodies do exist. Funnily enough, there was another thing like this earlier this year.
Well, it was ABOUT time someone mapped out the relative sizes of fiction starships! Pretty much all of them I think...
Manuel Noriega sues over 'Call of Duty' portrayal
http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/16/tech/manu … index.html
"He argues in the lawsuit that his portrayal "as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state" in the 2012 video game damaged his reputation."
So is he worried that his reputation as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state will be sullied by his portrayal as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state? Besides, the game was released in 2012. I guess he figures he might rake in a few bucks while rotting in jail, or perhaps he just wants attention.
Whatever money he thinks he should receive is probably better used to use for reparations for the damage he's done with his life. He doesn't deserve anything.
So is he worried that his reputation as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state will be sullied by his portrayal as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state?
This x1000
So, it was brought to my attention, that in Poland, Triss Merigold from The Witcher has been on the front cover of Playboy.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/PLAYBOY-Magazin … 1430792573
I honestly am unsure of what to think about this. I do have to wonder, is it now "common" to have video game characters grace "manly" publications?
Sue, sue sue$$$$
"Sony Computer Entertainment America has been hit with a lawsuit alleging "deceptive marketing" of Killzone: Shadow Fall because the PlayStation 4 game's multiplayer mode does not run at the resolution advertised...The suit, filed by California resident Douglas Ladore in Northern District California court...The amount sought in the suit exceeds $5,000,000."
http://www.polygon.com/2014/8/6/5975983 … fall-1080p
I hope this suit is thrown out of court, with prejudice.
Man, I'm so sick of "resolution gate" anymore...
What I wouldn't give for some stupid thing like "Blast Processing" instead...
Robin Williams, a very funny guy, also reportedly a very warm and caring person, as well as a gamer, has passed away as probably most of us have heard. Not surprisingly, he's being remembered in a number of video games, including an upcoming memorial in Warcraft
Robin Williams, a very funny guy, also reportedly a very warm and caring person, as well as a gamer, has passed away as probably most of us have heard. Not surprisingly, he's being remembered in a number of video games, including an upcoming memorial in Warcraft
Actually, he was a pretty big fan of Evangelion Neon Genesis as well from what I read. This actually makes an odd amount of sense if you think about him and someone like Shinji Ikari.
The Evangelion toys were actually used in a scene in One Hour Photo.
Okay, I'll stop talking since I've horribly dated myself by talking about such an "old" anime.
"swatting" hoax?
I haven't heard of this stupidity before.
http://kdvr.com/2014/08/27/watch-little … ting-hoax/
I will add this to my list of "reasons not to play online"...
"swatting" hoax?
I haven't heard of this stupidity before.http://kdvr.com/2014/08/27/watch-little … ting-hoax/
I will add this to my list of "reasons not to play online"...
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you're not important enough to swat.
And if you just play online without any streaming, pretty sure you won't get swatted, those asshole swatter fuckers want to see the guy/girl on stream getting swatted.
It's always encouraging when the media mistakes video games for reality. In this case, it's "Soldiers Eat Babies"...
Ashley Winchester wrote:avatar! wrote:https://tv.yahoo.com/news/lindsay-lohan … 00322.html
So uh, I guess when you're a "celebrity" and you suck, you sue video game companies?
This lawsuit is completely baseless. News of this came up months ago and Rockstar actually produced the model they paid to pose for the artwork.
Complete crap.
Lohan isn't suing because of the blond bikini girl, she's suing because of char called Lacey Jonas, but apparently she forgets that parodies do exist. Funnily enough, there was another thing like this earlier this year.
And... she (and another) lost!
https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/lindsay … 23993.html
The panel of appellate judges adds that even if the depictions were “close enough,” the claims still fail because a “video game does not fall under the statutory definitions of ‘advertising’ or 'trade,’” and that Grand Theft Auto’s “unique story, characters, dialogue, and environment, combined with the player’s ability to choose how to proceed in the game, render it a work of fiction and satire.”
Glad to hear reason and justice prevailed.
Thank goodness.
Not that I keep up with the tabloid trash, but really haven't heard much about Lohan lately. Does anyone know if other than this if she's been keeping her nose clean?
On second thought, I should watch it, she might sue me next.
Mean Girls is the only part of her life's work I appreciate.
Mean Girls is the only part of her life's work I appreciate.
That's so fetch.
raynebc wrote:Mean Girls is the only part of her life's work I appreciate.
That's so fetch.
Zane, stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen.
"The Witcher"... the stamp?!
http://www.businessinsider.com/witcher- … and-2016-9
No doubt it will sell out quickly and copies will be on ebay for $25-50. Just you wait! Although it makes me wonder, any other video game stamps out there?
http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ … story.html
"Study finds young men are playing video games instead of getting jobs"
Well, all I can say is if I was 19-20ish and at home, my parents would NEVER allow me to just sit around playing games all day. Even if it was part-time work they would basically tell me to do it or find another place to live. I wonder, do these non-college educated men think they're just going to land their dream job considering they have almost no skills?
https://www.yahoo.com/style/ariana-gran … 13876.html
"Ariana Grande will officially be in the latest ‘Final Fantasy’ game, and her character looks so awesome"
Uh, who is Ariana Grande? Why do I care? Why are "real" people put into video games? Is this a new trend or cheap publicity stunt (or both)?
Her inclusion in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is clearly thrilling for Grande. We totally get it. For one, FF is an iconic game. For another, it’s a unique way for the singer to branch out a little.
I know who she is (regrettably) but I think the bigger question is what the hell Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is?
Given that it's probably *another* spin off game, and not a main, numbered entry like the recently released XV certainly makes the "honor* less auspicious IMO. Additionally, they call this branching out? Most of the people who are likely to buy Final Fantasy Brave Exvius are probably not going to care that a given character in the game is going to be based on her.
Complete waste of PR.
Also, I feel that the article has some bad wording. You're probably better off saying that FF is an iconic FRANCHISE, not a game. FFXV may have taken some of the bad taste out of some people's mouths, the the franchise still has a long way to go to undo a lot of damage done to the property. Again, this is probably a spin off so the "iconic meter" goes down a few notches.
I'm not sure entirely how popular she is in Japan, but when I was there one of her songs was on loop in Bookoff so I guess she must have a decent amount of recognition.
I think they'd be better sticking with putting Jpop stars in Final Fantasy games. Gackt and Koda Kumi added some good songs to the franchise, whereas I don't know or care about whoever Ariana is.
Ariana is a pretty big pop star here in the States. It makes sense for S-E to use her to spread brand awareness for their console games (i.e. the games that aren't selling in Japan). I guess they're trying to makeup for the whole "boy band" vibe in FFXV; granted, I don't think that really damaged them with girl gamers that much.
I guess they're trying to makeup for the whole "boy band" vibe in FFXV; granted, I don't think that really damaged them with girl gamers that much.
Agreed. I don't think anything in XV damaged the franchise despite how much bitching there was prior to the game coming out. Not saying that XV is perfect - it clearly isn't - but people seem to be enjoying it despite it's flaws. I honestly can't remember that last time where I felt comfortable writing what I just wrote about a FF game.