Ashley Winchester Apr 29, 2014
Sorry, this is kind of a rant.
I just downloaded the new Edguy album, Space Police.
Well, I paid for the album... only to find I couldn't actually get the DL I paid for unless I installed Amazon's damn Cloud player.
We couldn't leave things alone, could we?
I'm sorry, I know it's not really a big deal... but it still kind of irks me.
I would have just used iTunes but I was short a buck and I didn't want to buy an iTunes card to make up the difference.
Side Note:
One of the songs is called "Do Me Like a Caveman"... man, as much as I like Edguy I've really grown to hate their juvenile sense of humor. Yes, I thought all the joke tracks were awesome when I was a teenager... now, twelve years later, I absolutely abhor them and have deleted anything with a sense of "humor" from my playlist.
P.S. "Lavatory Love Machine" was never funny Edguy.