avatar! May 3, 2014
I thought this was an interesting read on the movie industry today:
http://www.mensjournal.com/magazine/bui … o-20140418
"Getting there takes effort, vigilance, and the dedication of the elite athlete: high-intensity training, strict diets, supplements, and hormone replacement. If that fails, there are always drugs. Today's actors spend more time in the gym than they do rehearsing, more time with their trainers than with their directors."
First off, I thought hormone replacements were drugs? Secondly, what does that say when actors spend more time at the gym than rehearsing or with the directors? Also, I find most movies today to be nothing more than special effects porn. Little story, lots of action, lots of explosion, lots of "funny" one-liners, TONS of computer whatever, and that's about it. Obviously not all movies are like that (thank heavens) but many are. As an example, I think it's ridiculous that 007 (Daniel Craig) looks the way he does in the movies. James Bond is supposed to be a spy, not a bodybuilder. Sure, 007 should be in very good shape, but I think he frankly looks like a Hollywood actor. So when I watch a recent Bond flick with Craig, I don't believe I'm watching James Bond rather an actor who spends all his time in the gym.