Ashley Winchester May 6, 2014
In this world we live in we are bombarded with advertisements from left to right. Everyone once in a while those marketing gurus manage to create a clever campaign... but most of the time it's the same old drivel. Then there are the advertisements that beat an extremely dead horse. Which advertisment(s) do you feel are the bane of your existence...?
Personally I would have to go with Dish Network. Now I'm not saying that Direct TV is a good company... but man on man, could you give it a rest Dish? I'm really sick of hearing how supposedly *great* you are - especially in comparison to Direct TV. I have Dish and it's nothing I'd tell my friends and family about like you imply in your commercials. Everyone knows that ALL cable/satellite companies suck... it just a matter of figuring out which one sucks the least. Add in the phony baloney "customers" in these commercials and it's no wonder I scramble for the mute button when one of these spots comes on.