Ashley Winchester May 17, 2014
Okay, I know this isn't a new topic (although some people seem to think it is) but with some of the more recent J-RPGs that have been released this has kind of been brought it back into discussion in a lot of places.
The thing is, while I'll admit that this trend has seemed to increase in recent years (handhelds, anyone?) am I the only one that kind of gets sick of all the complaining about it? I'm not saying I like it per say... but it does kind of bug me when people throw down blanket judgments about the Japanese people, saying they're perverted and such. For the life of me I just can't tolerate that because I really don't have enough information on their culture to make a decree about it being right or wrong. Additionally, using my own cultural perceptions to judge another, very different culture is plain ass-backwards.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the Japanese look at sexual themes quite differently than we in the US do? Over here I can't help but think we have a somewhat warped view of sexuality when people are more worried about it than violence... but that's nothing new....
I can't help but think someone told me that violence is a bigger deal in Japan than sexual themes. I mean wasn't the beheadings in RE4 removed over there?
Anyway, I'm sorry for rambling. Again, I'm not saying I'm completely on board with the way J-RPGs handle sexualization but at the same time I'm not going to completely admonish a game for being geared towards the norms in its original market.