Adam Corn May 30, 2014
I love this series (despite a few missteps in X3 and the Wolverine movies) and with Brian Singer returning to the director's chair have been very much looking forward to this new one. I'm not sure it's quite as good as the extremely positive reviews make it out to be but I certainly enjoyed it. It's a major improvement over X3 in everything but the action, and overall I'd say about on the level of First Class, though more consistent in quality than that more up-and-down effort. The first two remain my favorites - despite the smaller scale I think they still have the most dramatic storytelling of the series - but this latest was good enough to have me looking forward to the next one.
On to the spoilery stuff...
Quicksilver stole the show. I came in to the movie expecting not to like him, but his quirky adolescent charm won me over from his very first scene.
This is the first time in the series I've really been impressed with Mystique as a character. She was bad-ass when she needed to be, her conflicting role in the story came across well, and the story premise revolving around her was clever. And this is hardly the first time someone has commented on Jennifer Lawrence's looks but her non-Mystique scenes... wow.
Loved the ending. I'm not sure a genre film has played on sentiment and series nostalgia so perfectly since Return of the Jedi.
The post-credits teaser was a nice touch. I'll be curious to see how they handle him in the sequel.