I played about 30 minutes of this game today. (I had to turn my PS2 on its side to get it to read the disc -- cheap cd games do damage to older PS2s). The first thing I did was mess around with the camera. The camera control in this game is pretty bad. You only have one button that you have to hold down and wait for a second to turn the camera to go behind Maximo's back. The other option of first person isn't useful for shifting the camera in a direction you want on release as it reverts the camera to where you originally had it instead of in the direction you had it facing in first person. The camera position cannot be zoomed out or rotated with the analog stick; the camera is naturally fairly close to Maximo and the lack of camera options are quite limited the player is very susceptible to getting hit by off-screen attacks (i.e. flying bird attacks). For searching I find it less troubling to just run in a direction and let the camera naturally readjust. Not ideal for a game that requires you to look around for collectibles.
The camera hasn't been linked to platforming death yet (although I am not sure about tihs one jump I did). Capcom is brave doing descending jumps on closely spaced platforms since only a directly over head camera or sideways view will properly display the gaps.
The character movement is very boring. Maximo is slow and his jumping seems suited for covering more vertical distance than big gaps. The game needs to scrunch the level a bit more. Fighting lets you quickly dispatch enemies so you can keep a steady pace in advancing through the stage. It's nice to gauge the distance you need to swing at an enemy at. Fighting them relies on the player knowing that certain enemies require defensive measures and that jump attacks can result in trading blows. It seems due to the camera and Maximo's general abilities that fighting enemies is best done by drawing them to you so they are in one direction to you; tactics of jumping away when engaging enemies is helpful in preventing being surrounded (which I repeat is very easy due to the camera being zoomed in).
I'd rate it a 2/5 so far.