XLord007 Jun 9, 2014
Microsoft spent its conference reassuring gamers that it cares about their needs by focusing entirely on games. After the required brotastic Call of Duty and Forza updates, the presser got a bit more interesting with things like Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown, Phantom Dust, and the Xbone exclusive Scalebound from Platinum Games. Newly announced indie games Inside from Playdead of Limbo fame and Ori: The Blind Forest from Moon Studios added some much needed diversity, and a very brief Rise of the Tomb Raider teaser got me excited for a sequel to my favorite game of 2013.
On the whole, the Microsoft presser was solid, very safe, and gratefully free of chessy on stage banter, celebrity appearances, and other awkwardness. That said, there were no earth shattering surprises or killer reveals. The newly announced stuff is nice to be sure, but it just didn't have any punch or pizzazz to it. Hopefully Sony will liven things up tonight.