vert1 Jun 12, 2014 (edited Jun 12, 2014)
http://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_ … _640.0.jpg
Time.com has leaked the announcements of a new Star Fox game for Wii U, as well as two other Wii U projects from legendary game creator Shigeru Miyamoto.
Star Fox uses the GamePad controller to have players aim and fire the Arwing’s weapons, simultaneously controlling the aircraft itself by using the joysticks to accelerate or pull off stunts like barrel rolls. And the spaceship can turn into a land tank, as well, landing on the earth’s surface to do damage to the landscape.
According to Miyamoto, Nintendo is taking a different approach with Star Fox.
“Rather than one big title we have multiple releases that are connected through different missions,” he said. “If I was to describe the Star Fox series up until now as being sort of a movie series, I guess I’d describe this new approach as something that’s more like a TV series for Star Fox.”
Read more at http://gematsu.com/2014/06/time-leaks-s … jhX7WJi.99