Ashley Winchester Jun 18, 2014
I'm pretty sure most people know that the last season of the Boondocks has been premiering on Adult Swim on Monday nights lately.
I liked the first three seasons well enough and I've actually thought of getting them on DVD.
But am I the only one that... really feels that season 4 is kind of terrible...?
In some ways it doesn't even feel like they are trying anymore and some of the episode concepts (like the iPhone one) feel rather dated like they should have been done eons ago. I really hated the main twist that set the season in motion which probably explains a lot.
In some ways I guess I shouldn't be surprised... most shows go on way past their expiration dates in my opinion.
Big Bang feels like it has been in decline since the end of season 5 and I don't know how there are that many seasons of Robot Chicken when I quite giving a crap after season 2.