XLord007 Jun 28, 2014
It's finally out, and it's great. Like a love letter to the best NES games, Shovel Knight blends elements from Duck Tales, Castlevania, SMB3, Zelda II, and Mega Man with a plentiful helping of modern conveniences like tight controls, checkpoints, and risk/reward systems. Pile on a superb Jake Kaufman soundtrack and crazy characters like Croaker and the Troupple King and you can't go wrong. I played through the first several stages, and I'm loving it, especially the clever level design with hidden treasure everywhere. I'm playing on Wii U, but it's also available for 3DS and PC. Sorry if this reads a bit like an advertisement, but I've been pumped for this game since I originally played it over a year ago at PAX East 2013, and I'm thrilled that it lived up to its potential.