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avatar! Jul 5, 2014

Off hand, I don't have a problem with people hunting for food. I honestly think that hunting for food is in many ways far more "humane" than purchasing store processed food. If you haven't seen this, you may want to watch the Meatrix (it's not a spoof... well, not entirely)

That said, I DO have a problem with people killing for sport. I think it's sad when people have nothing better to do than shoot an animal from a distance just because you can. Here is a short but well-produced video that looks at the "pros" and "cons" of hunting exotic animals. … 00103.html


Ashley Winchester Jul 5, 2014 (edited Jul 5, 2014)

Here is how I basically feel:

If you hunt and are going to actually use (consume) the animal then I don't care.

If you hunt just so you have something to brag about, or get your stupid picture in the local paper (I wish I was kidding but this actually happens were I live around hunting season because the paper has NOTHING BETTER to print) then go screw yourself... I don't give a *&^%ing &^%$. The way I see it if that makes it into the "paper" I want my picture in the paper for beating the newest Mario game. You may say it takes skill to shoot a gun but to me it is useless skill set I do not need.

Also, should mention that my cousin's wife is the publisher of the local paper and it has only gotten WORSE since she took over a few years ago.


Also, I do feel hunting does keep the population down. I don't really live in the "boonies" but deer leaping across the road is fairly common on the roads I travel. I'd rather a person eat the animal than have it rotting on the side of the road although natural decomposition is important for the ecosystem.

Additionally, I should probably admit that I would have a different view had I been raised by a father/family that actually hunted... but my dad likes fishing much more and I share that sentiment.

GoldfishX Jul 6, 2014 (edited Jul 6, 2014)

Ordinarily, I'd say I have a problem with it. But having moved to the boonies and having been in a couple deer-related accidents, I will say I have no issues with hunting to keep the population of certain animals down.

Things like killing elephants for tusks and killing endangered species, obviously I have an issue with. But they can shoot all the deer they want!

Edit: And lol, I actually didn't read Ashley's post until after I posted that. So we are on the same page when it comes to deer.

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